Allocation Fields
Here is a description of the interface elements on the Allocation pages.
Allocation Template Bar
Element | Description |
Select Template | Enables you to select from the list of existing allocation templates you can load. Disabled in Proportional Allocations. |
Load | Loads filter and distribution criteria from the selected allocation template Used to store the details entered during the allocation process, such as the filter structure of the source data, allocation rules used, and distribution details. Dates, periods, and specific amounts are not stored.. Disabled in Proportional Allocations. |
Save | Saves the current allocation details as an allocation template. Disabled in Proportional Allocations. |
Opens the related FinancialForce Accounting Help topic. | |
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window. We recommend that you maximize the Allocation pages to make it as easy as possible to see all the details. |
Button | Description |
Back | Return to the previous step in the allocation process. |
Next | Continue to the next step in the allocation process. |
Create | Create the allocations now. |
Retrieve Source
Retrieve Source Buttons
Button | Description |
Add Filter Group | Adds another group of filter fields. |
Clear All | Clears all filter groups and time period selection options. To only clear one filter group, click Clear Group. |
Preview | Retrieves your data based on the selected criteria and filters and displays it in the grid. |
Show Filter/Hide Filter | Displays or hides your filter criteria. |
Retrieve Source Header
Key: * – Mandatory field; S – Single-company mode only; M – Multi-company mode only
Element | Description | |
Filters Applied | Shows the number of filter groups created. | |
From | S | Start date or period for the transactions you want to retrieve. If left blank, all the transactions up to the To date or period are retrieved. |
N Value | S | Numerical value for soft dates Salesforce refers to soft dates as "relative date values". FinancialForce Accounting supports the following relative date values: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last "n" Days, Next "n" Days, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Year, Last Year, Next Year. See the Salesforce Help for details of how these relative date values are resolved. Note that Last "n" Days and Next "n" Days are ranges. For example if today is May 25 then Last 3 Days is from May 23 to May 25. A filter on transaction date of "< Last 3 days" would retrieve transactions dated prior to May 23. and soft periods. |
Only Retrieve Intercompany Transactions | M | Indicates that you only want to retrieve transactions that are associated with an intercompany transfer Object used as a staging location for data used when transferring costs to other companies in the same organization.. |
Time Period | * S |
The period or date range of the transactions that you want to retrieve. You can specify soft dates or soft periods if required. You cannot select the special periods 000 or 101. |
To | * S | End date or period for the transactions you want to retrieve. |
What do you want to allocate? | * | Picklist to select the source type. |
Retrieve Source Filter Group
Key: * – Mandatory field; S – Single-company mode only; M – Multi-company mode only
Field | Description | |
Account | Multi-select list or range of available accounts In this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. FinancialForce accounts can be any Account Record Type. you want to retrieve. If you have encryption switched on in your org, you must be as specific as possible when typing the account name to ensure that the account is found. See Shield Platform Encryption for more information. | |
Company | * M | List of available current companies. The companies you select for the allocation must all share the same dual currency. |
Dimension 1-4 | Dimensions Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. you want to retrieve. If you want to exclude transactions that have dimensions, select "– No Dimension –". This will only retrieve transactions that have null in the corresponding field. | |
General Ledger Account | Multi-select list or range of available general ledger accounts The general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves.. | |
Local GLA | S | Multi-select list or range of available local general ledger accounts A general ledger account that is used in local statutory reporting. You can only use local GLAs in allocations if you are in single-company mode.. |
Period - From | M | For the selected company, multi-select list or range of available periods. Enables you to specify the period or periods of the transactions you want to retrieve. You cannot select the special periods 000 or 101. |
To | * M | For the selected company, end of the time period for the transactions you want to retrieve. |
Element | Description |
Clear Group | Clears all the fields in a filter group. To delete a filter group, click the cross icon at the top of the group. |
Changes the mode of the adjacent filter field between Multi-select and selecting a From-To range. |
Retrieve Source Summary Lines
Element | Description |
Amount | Sum of all transaction line items within this summary line. |
Company | Company retrieved for this summary line. |
Dimension 1-4 | Dimensions retrieved for this summary line. |
General Ledger Account | GLAs retrieved for this summary line. |
Local GLA | Local GLAs retrieved for this summary line. |
Retrieve Source Transaction Line Items
The individual transaction line items are displayed when you expand a summary line on the Retrieve Source page.
Key: S – Single-company mode only; M – Multi-company mode only
Element |
Description |
Document Currency | Displays the associated document currency The currency in which values are entered on a document.. | |
Description | Description on the originating document line items. | |
Document Number | Number on the originating document. | |
Document Value | Total value of the line, in document currency The currency in which values are entered on a document.. | |
Dual Value | M | Amount in dual currency The currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency.. |
Home Value | S | Amount in home currency The main working currency of the current company.. |
Transaction Line Item Number | Unique numeric identifier for the originating transaction line item, with a lookup to the related transaction line item. | |
Transaction Number | Number of the associated transaction, with a lookup to the related transaction. |
Element | Description |
Show More | Loads the next 2001 transaction line items, if there are more to view. |
Method of Allocation
Element | Description |
Single Company | Enables you to apply your allocations to one company. |
Cross-Company | Enables you to apply your allocations across multiple companies. |
Element | Description |
Fixed | Enables you to allocate using a fixed set of values or percentages. |
Proportional | Enables you to use a set of proportional values as the basis for your allocation. |
Statistical | Enables you to use a set of statistical values as the basis for your allocation. |
Proportional Basis Configuration
Proportional Basis Configuration Header
Field | Description |
Filters Applied | Shows the number of filters created and applied to the data in the grid. |
Proportional Basis Configuration Filter Buttons
Button | Description |
Preview | Retrieves your data based on the selected criteria and filters and displays it in the grid. |
Show Filter/Hide Filter | Displays or hides your filter criteria. |
Proportional Basis Configuration Grid
Element | Description |
General Ledger Account | GLA for this proportional basis. |
Dimension 1-4 | Dimensions used in the proportional basis. |
Percentage (%) | Percentage you want to allocate, up to four decimal places. |
Search | Type your search term or terms to find entries in the grid. |
Total | Total of the values entered for all rows in the grid. |
Value | Proportional value for the corresponding GLA or dimension. |
Statistical Basis Configuration
Statistical Basis Configuration Header
Field | Description |
Allocation Rule | The allocation rule Stores distribution criteria for reuse and helps speed up the process of splitting costs and revenue from selected GLAs and dimensions, and allocating them to other GLAs and dimensions. Fixed allocation rules use set percentages or amounts as the basis for an allocation. Statistical allocation rules use sets of values that may vary as the basis for an allocation. you want to use. Alternatively, you can specify your distribution criteria manually by selecting a statistical basis A saved set of variable values that are used to calculate the distribution of an allocation, such as employee headcount. When you update the values set on an existing statistical basis, the previous version is saved and the new version used in all subsequent allocations that use that statistical basis., selecting distribution fields and creating appropriate filters. |
Distribution Fields | The distribution fields available are taken from the statistical basis you have selected and are the fields you want to base your allocation percentage on. These fields form part of your overall distribution. |
Filters Applied | Shows the number of filters created and applied to the data in the grid. |
Statistical Basis | The set of saved statistical values you want to use for this allocation, created from the Statistical Bases tab. To view details of the selected statistical basis, click . Alternatively, click to enter custom statistical values that you can save as a new statistical basis. |
Statistical Basis Configuration Buttons
Button | Description |
Enables you to:
Create a custom statistical basis to use with this allocation. | |
View details of the selected statistical basis. |
Statistical Basis Configuration Filter Buttons
Button | Description |
Add Filter | Adds another filter row. |
Clear All | Clears all filter rows. |
Preview | Retrieves your data based on the selected criteria and filters and displays it in the grid. |
Show Filter/Hide Filter | Displays or hides your filter criteria. |
Statistical Basis Configuration Filters
To remove a row, click .
For each field, the operator and value are mandatory.
Field | Description |
Field | The distribution field you want to filter on. |
Operator | Select from "Contains", "Equals", or "Not Equals". |
Value | Type a value for the filter. |
Statistical Basis Configuration Grid
Key: * – Mandatory field; M – Multi-company mode only
Element | Description |
Company | Company for the statistical basis set at line level. This is useful if you only want to store one statistical value record for your entire org. |
General Ledger Account | GLA for this statistical basis. This column is hidden by default. To view the column, click the down arrow in a dimension column heading, select Columns and then select General Ledger Account. |
Dimension 1-4 | Dimensions used in the statistical basis. |
Percentage (%) | Percentage you want to allocate, up to four decimal places. |
Search | Type your search term or terms to find entries in the grid. |
Total | Total of the values entered for all rows in the grid. |
Value | Statistical value for the corresponding GLA or dimension. |
Fixed Distribution Fields
Field | Description |
Allocation Rule | The allocation rule Stores distribution criteria for reuse and helps speed up the process of splitting costs and revenue from selected GLAs and dimensions, and allocating them to other GLAs and dimensions. Fixed allocation rules use set percentages or amounts as the basis for an allocation. Statistical allocation rules use sets of values that may vary as the basis for an allocation. you want to use. If you are using local GLAs A general ledger account that is used in local statutory reporting. You can only use local GLAs in allocations if you are in single-company mode. in this allocation, only active rules that have the current company set on them will be available for selection. If you do not want to use an allocation rule, you can use the grid to specify your distribution criteria manually. |
Fixed Distribution Buttons
Button | Description |
Enables you to:
Fixed Distribution Summary
Element | Description |
Distributed | Amount that you have distributed so far. |
Not Distributed | Amount that you still have to distribute. |
Total | Total amount of the values retrieved. |
Fixed Distribution Grid
Key: * – Mandatory field
Element |
Description |
Amount | * |
Amount you want to allocate. |
Dimension 1–4 | Dimensions you want to allocate to. Some of these may have been hidden by your administrator. | |
General Ledger Account | * | Corporate GLAs you want to allocate to. |
Local GLA |
* |
Local GLAs you want to allocate to. Only available if local GLAs are enabled in your org. See What is a Chart of Accounts Structure? for more information on local GLAs. |
Percentage (%) | * | Percentage you want to allocate, up to four decimal places. |
Statistical Distribution Fields
Element | Description |
Copy GLAs from
Enables you to copy the GLAs you want to allocate to in bulk, instead of selecting them individually. "Source": copies the GLAs from your source data. Available if you entered a dimension, or a GLA and a dimension in Distribution Fields on the Statistical Basis Configuration page. "Basis": copies the GLAs used in the statistical basis you selected on the Statistical Basis Configuration page. Available if you entered a GLA, or a GLA and a dimension in Distribution Fields on the Statistical Basis Configuration page. |
Allocate to GLAs | Enables you to select the individual GLAs you want to allocate to. Available if you entered a dimension, or a GLA and a dimension in Distribution Fields on the Statistical Basis Configuration page. |
Statistical Distribution Grid
Element | Description |
Dimension 1–4 | Dimensions you want to allocate to. Some of these may have been hidden by your administrator. |
General Ledger Account | Corporate GLAs you want to allocate to. |
Percentage (%) | Percentage you want to allocate, up to four decimal places. |
Value | Statistical value for the corresponding GLA or dimension. This value does not have to be a whole number. |
Key: * – Mandatory field; M – Multi-company mode only
Field |
Description |
Company | * M | The company you want to create the allocation transactions or journals in. |
Create | * | Choose between creating allocation transactions or allocation journals. Select Journals to create an In Progress journal that you can review before posting. Select Transactions to create posted transactions directly, bypassing the journal. |
Date | * | Date for the new allocation transactions or journals. |
Description | Description to record on the allocation transactions or journals. | |
Period | * | Accounting period into which the new allocation transactions or journals are posted. |
Preview Grid
Key: F – Fixed allocations only
Element |
Description |
Credit | Indicates a credit is to be posted. | |
Debit | Indicates a debit is to be posted. | |
Dimension 1-4 | Dimension the line is posting to. | |
General Ledger Account | Corporate GLA the line is posting to. | |
Local GLA | F | Local GLA A general ledger account that is used in local statutory reporting. You can only use local GLAs in allocations if you are in single-company mode. the line is posting to. |
Total Credits | Sum of all credits in the allocation summary. | |
Total Debits | Sum of all debits in the allocation summary. |