Running an Automated Elimination

When you run an automated elimination, all Transaction Line Items that meet the following criteria are selected:

Tip: You can customize and run the Source Transaction Lines to Eliminate report before you run an Automated Elimination to review the source transactions that will be retrieved by the process. To access all reports, in the Automated Elimination Reports section click View Reports Folder.
Note: If you attempt to run an Automated Elimination process with the same criteria as an Automated Elimination process that's already running, you will receive an error. You must wait for the other Automated Elimination to complete before trying to run the elimination process again. You can amend the elimination criteria to avoid eliminating the same transaction line items as the other process.

To run an Automated Elimination:

  1. Select the Destination Company for the automated elimination in your org. For more information, see Setting your Current Company.
  2. Click the Automated Eliminations tab.
  3. Select an Automated Elimination from the list.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Select the date from which source company transaction line items are retrieved.
  6. [Optional] Select the date to which transaction line items are retrieved. If you don't select a value, all source company transaction line items with a date later than Date From are retrieved, (including future dates).
  7. Select the Eliminated Transaction Date.
  8. Select the Eliminated Transaction Period.
  9. Click Run. The automated elimination process will now run. You will receive a confirmation email when the process is complete.
Tip: After you click run, you can change your selected company, and the currently running automated elimination process is not be affected.

The Status field indicates the status of the Automated Elimination Process. See the Automated Eliminations Fields topic for more information.

Once an Automated Elimination process has completed successfully, you can view the resulting transaction from the Destination Elimination Transaction related list.

You can access all error logs created by the automated eliminations process using the automated elimination error log related list.

Resolving Errors in the Automated Elimination Process

Warning: You must resolve any errors encountered by the automated elimination process to ensure consistency between the source Transaction Line Items and Elimination Transactions.

When the status of an Automated Elimination is "Processing Error" or "Marking Source Error" you must run the automated elimination process again to resolve the error. You cannot run the automated elimination for new source transaction line items until the error is resolved.

To resolve any errors encountered by the automated elimination process:

Resolve the cause of the error, and then follow the steps to run an Automated Elimination.

Note: When you re-run an automated elimination to resolve an error, the date and period fields are auto populated with the values of the previous run, and cannot be amended.

Viewing an Automated Elimination Transaction

To review an automated elimination transaction:

  1. Click the Automated Eliminations tab.
  2. Click the name of the automated elimination you want to review the elimination transactions for.

Automated Eliminations for Large Volumes

Depending on the number of source TLIs to retrieve, or TLIs in the Elimination Transaction, numerous transactions may be generated.

Elimination Transactions are split when either of the following limits are exceeded:

Each transaction description uses the following convention:

  • If you modified the name of an Automated Elimination, the description of the Elimination Transactions previously posted will not be modified.
  • The last TLI in an elimination transaction is always a balancing figure posted to the Elimination GLA.
  • Example

    In this example, the Automated Elimination process has retrieved a total of 350,000 TLIs across three companies, based on the source and run-time criteria.

    Source TLIs TLI Volume
    Company A 200,000
    Company B 100,000
    Company C 50,000

    The process is run in two batches that generate a total of five transactions.