About Balance Update

We recommend that you read and understand the Types of Balance Record topic before you continue with this topic or attempt to update balances in your organization.

There are three primary types of balance update:

The Balance Update tab enables you to perform the following tasks:

Full Synchronization

You should run a full synchronization in the following situations:

Your organization must have at least one intersect definition defined.


In Mode 2.2 (Update Reporting Balances on Demand) You must run the On Demand Update batch job before attempting to launch a full synchronization. This ensures your reporting balances are up to date before you attempt to update the Budgets & Balances.

This process works in multi-company mode and single-company mode. If you log in as Administrator, the process will run for all companies irrespective of which ones are selected.

Note: Note
We recommend that you run a synchronization process when all other users are logged out of the org. If transactions are created during a synchronization process, they won't be included in the process.

Incremental Synchronization

You can run an incremental synchronization to update the secondary (non-live) balance type object to include recent changes to the primary (live or on demand) balance type object. Your organization must have at least one intersect definition defined.

You can run an incremental synchronization to update the secondary (non-live) balance type object to include recent changes to the live balance type object. Your organization must have at least one intersect definition defined.

This process works in multi-company mode and single-company mode. If you log in as Administrator, the process will run for all companies irrespective of which ones are selected.


In Mode 2.2 (Update Reporting Balances on Demand) You must run the On Demand Update batch job before attempting to launch an incremental synchronization. This ensures your reporting balances are up to date before you attempt to update the Budgets & Balances.

Rebuilding Balances

You might want to rebuild balances when one of the following situations occur:

The actual period balances for each accounting period are recorded on the appropriate primary balance data object.

This process depends on the existence of at least one intersect definition and the org must be in single-company mode. We recommend that you log in to your org as Accountant (or a similar profile).

You should run this process once all your primary balance records are up to date. If you are in Mode 2.2 (update Reporting Balances from transactions on demand), you must run the "On Demand Update" before attempting to Rebuild the Balances.

You are notified by email of the success or failure of this operation.

All budget and actual period balance values are in both home currency and dual currency.

Merged Accounts

Live balances are not updated automatically during an account merge. You must update the balances manually immediately after the account merge. See stage 3 in Merging Accounts for more details.

On Demand Updates

You can update the Reporting Balances immediately as required by clicking the "Update Balances" button on the On Demand Update sub-tab in the Balance Update. If you are in Mode 2.2 (update Reporting Balances from transactions on demand), this sub-tab allows you to update your primary (on demand) balances after the Accounting transactions have been posted, so they include all recent records.


The On Demand Update sub-tab is only available when you are in Mode 2.2 (You have selected Update Reporting Balances on Demand in the Balance Configuration settings included in the Accounting Task Launcher).

The On Demand Update tab is only available to use in Single-Company mode.

Configuring the batch size

You can configure the batch size of the Balance Update process by using the Balance Settings (FF) custom settings. See Balance Settings for more information.

If you get an error, you must abort the job, reduce the batch size, and then rerun the process. It might take a few attempts to get the most appropriate value for your data. Do not reduce the batch size to a value significantly smaller than required as this will make the update process take a lot longer to complete.