Collections Plus

About Collections Plus

Collections Plus enables you to manage your collections process. You can manage the following:

For information on setting up the collections process, see Setting up Collections Plus.


You can:

By default, reminders are sent to the finance contact on the account record. If you want to send reminders to other contacts, you can add the Collections Communications Contact and Collections Communication Preference fields to the contact record. Reminders are also sent to a contact if the following criteria are met:

You can also configure the Additional Contacts Field Name For SIN custom setting to send reminders for sales invoices to additional email addresses. You cannot use this custom setting if you have one of the following custom settings enabled:

For more information, see Setting up Collections Plus.

Customer Statements

Customer statements contain a list of unpaid or part-paid documents for a customer account during the month prior to the statement date. You can set up a rule to select accounts to send statements to customers on a specific day of the month. You can only use Classic email templates for customer statements.

Customer statements are sent to the finance contact on the account record. You cannot send customer statements to other contacts.