Using the Engagement Subscriptions Dashboard

You can access the Engagement Subscriptions dashboard from the Subscriptions tab of an engagement record.

This dashboard enables you to:

More information about each chart is provided below. For more information about how the values are calculated, see Engagement Analytics Dataflow Reference.

Subscriptions Revenue Donut Chart

The Subscriptions Revenue donut chart enables you to view the portion that each billing contract contributes towards the amount of revenue generated by subscriptions.

You can hover over a slice to view the percentage that a particular billing contract contributes towards the subscriptions revenue amount.

You can also click a slice of the chart to highlight a billing contract. The remaining charts on the dashboard refresh automatically to display only the data for the selected billing contract.

By Measure Stacked Bar Chart

If it is not already displayed, you can access the stacked bar chart by clicking By Measure. The chart enables you to view the cumulative revenue and invoiced amounts across all billing contracts included in the engagement.

Each contract displays in a different color, enabling you to view the portion that it contributes towards the total amount for a specific measure. You can hover over a part of each bar to view the percentage that a particular billing contract contributes towards the total amount for the selected measure.

By Contract Bar Chart

You can access the bar chart by clicking By Contract. The chart groups the revenue and invoiced measures by billing contract.

Billing Contract Details Table Chart

The Billing Contract Details table provides more information about each billing contract line item and its respective billing contract.

The table is grouped by contract number, contract name, product name, product billing type, start date, end date, and contract renewal date. For each billing contract line item, you can view the revenue and invoiced amounts.


Some information in the table comes from the billing contract, such as Contract Number, Contract Name, Start Date, End Date, and Contract Renewal Reminder Date. Other values are populated from a billing contract line item, such as Product Name, Product Billing Type, Revenue, and Invoiced.

You can click the number of a contract to open its record page.