Using the Compte de Résultat de l'Exercice Dashboard

Note: Winter 2022 users can ignore this note. As of Winter 2022, a local chart of accounts can be used.
For Fall 2021 users, this dashboard requires your corporate chart of accounts to be France. In order to view this dashboard correctly, with all GLAs mapped to their respective reporting categories, you must go to General Ledger Accounts in FinancialForce Accounting and ensure there are local balance sheet values selected for all GLAs.

The Compte de Résultat de l'Exercice dashboard enables you to run your profit and loss reports in Financial Statements and view the resulting data within the dashboard. This dashboard uses the Financial Transactions dataset and contains:

To filter the report data:

  1. Use the Enterprise drop-down to select the company you want to see data for.
  2. Use the Devise drop-down to select between home (Locale) or dual (Du Groupe) currency.
  3. Use the Année drop-down to select the year you want to see data for. Whichever year you choose, the previous year is displayed in the next column.
  4. Use the Période drop-down to select a period.
  5. Use the Période d'Ajustement 100 drop-down to select if you want to include or exclude period 100. For a definition of the special periods, see Financial Balances Fields.

Adding GLAs Manually

If you create GLAs manually, you must ensure that your GLA names have a space between the Reporting Code and the GLA name. For example, use "100 Capital", not "100Capital".

Even if your GLAs were loaded automatically using Chart of Accounts Localization, if you want to create a new GLA manually, you must follow the format indicated.

Other suitable examples are:

Do not use:

Drill Limitations

The following rows cannot be drilled: