Billing Forecast Details Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields
The Billing Forecast Details dataset in PSA Analytics includes fields from the Billing Forecast Detail Category, the Billing Forecast Setup Category, and the Billing Forecast Detail objects in PSA. The fields are:
Field Type |
Field |
Description |
Measures | Forecast Total Value | The forecast total value field for the forecast detail category object related to the selected calculation. For more information, see Billing Forecast Detail Category Fields in the PSA Help. |
Actuals Value | The actuals field for the forecast detail category object related to the selected calculation. For more information, see Billing Forecast Detail Category Fields in the PSA Help. | |
Scheduled Backlog Value | The scheduled backlog field for the forecast detail category object related to the selected calculation. For more information, see Billing Forecast Detail Category Fields in the PSA Help. | |
Unscheduled Backlog Value | The unscheduled backlog field for the forecast detail category object related to the selected calculation. For more information, see Billing Forecast Detail Category Fields in the PSA Help. | |
Dates | Forecast Calculation Created Date | The date of creation for the calculation. This field is used in order to display the latest calculation created. |
Time Period Start Date | The start date of the time period related to the calculation. | |
Time Period End Date | The end date of the time period related to the calculation. | |
Dimensions | Forecast Detail Type | Identifies if a record is a project or an opportunity. |
Forecast Record ID | The identification number of the object record that is forecast. | |
Forecast Record Name | The name of the forecast record. | |
Forecast Record Owner | The name of the owner of the relevant forecast record. | |
Region ID | The identification number of the region. | |
Region Name | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region. | |
Region Level XX | The RPG level of the region, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level for the region. | |
Practice ID | The identification number of the practice. | |
Practice Name | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice. | |
Practice Level XX | The RPG level of the practice, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level for the practice. | |
Group ID | The identification number of the group. | |
Group Name | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group. | |
Group Level XX | The RPG level of the group, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level for the group. | |
Forecast Calculation ID | The identification number of the forecast calculation. | |
Forecast Calculation Name | The name of the forecast calculation. | |
Time Period ID | The identification number of the time period related to the forecast calculation. | |
Time Period Name | The name of the time period related to the forecast calculation. | |
Time Period Type | By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. | |
Forecast Category | This is the label field for the forecast. By default, the labels available are expected, best case, and worst case. For more information, see Billing Forecast Setup Category Fields in the PSA Help. | |
Forecast Category Order | The category order field for the forecast setup category. For more information, see Billing Forecast Setup Category Fields in the PSA Help. | |
Project Company ID | Lookup to the related Foundations company. | |
Project Company Name | The name of the related Foundations company. | |
Project Currency ISO Code | When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org. | |
Project Display ID | The unique "PR-{000000}" field displayed on a Project record. |
Augmented Billings Fields
The following PSA fields have been added to augment the Billing Forecast Details dataset. These fields are not used by any FinancialForce dashboards, you can add them to your custom recipes and lenses. For more information about these fields, see the PSA Field Reference.
PSA Object | Field |
Project | Region ID Chain |
Practice ID Chain | |
Group ID Chain |