Billing Forecast Details Flow PSA Input Fields
The input fields are the foundation of every dataset in PSA Analytics. These fields are imported from your org environment by the dataflow when you create the Analytics app, the data is then processed to populate your apps' datasets.
Base Objects
This flow uses Billing Forecast Detail Category as the base object to extract PSA field information. It also uses this object to look up to other PSA objects to complement the data necessary to generate the Billing Forecast Details Dataset.
Billing Forecast Detail Category
This are the main fields retrieved from the Billing Forecast Detail Category in PSA.
Field |
Description |
Actuals | These fields are extracted directly from your PSA environment. For more information about these fields, see Billing Forecast Detail Category Fields. |
Category Label | |
Forecast Total Value | |
Scheduled Backlog | |
Unscheduled Backlog | |
Billing Forecast Detail |
We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Billing Forecast Detail |
Billing Forecast Setup Category |
We use this field to look up the corresponding PSA object for the following fields Billing Forecast Setup Category |
Augmented Fields
The augment fields complement the data imported from the base objects allowing you to have a deeper visualization of your data.
Key: → — Lookup path between objects
For more information about the calculated fields, see Billing Forecast Details Flow Intermediate Processing.