Matching Utilization Calculations

Utilization Results is now our recommended method for calculating the utilization data used in PSA Analytics. This method is ideal if you have large volumes of data and want to analyze utilization on combinations of Region, Practice, or Group. The Utilization Results feature enables you to create a single version of truth for your utilization data. This eliminates the need for multiple reports, or moving data between spreadsheets and PSA. Using the Utilization Result object, you can consolidate data for any combination of Regions, Practices, Groups, roles, and resources, down to a month, week, or day view. The calculation enables you to process large volumes of data at significantly faster speeds. This enables you to run utilization daily on a larger number of resources than with Utilization Details.

This speed and granularity can help you move your utilization data from a month-end executive-level KPI to an operational, decision-informing KPI. You can now produce valuable data for your resource managers, enabling them to review their performance against targets, where their gaps are in capacity and demand, and what they need to do to address this.

If you want to validate the utilization data produced by Utilization Results by comparing it with the data produced by Utilization Details, we recommend creating comparison lenses in PSA Analytics using data derived from both these objects.

This process enables you to:

You can use comparison lenses to check whether values for the following KPIs match for data derived from Utilization Details and Utilization Results:

Note: Differences in the data displayed between your comparison lenses might vary according to the source data in your org and your configuration of utilization in your PSA data environment.


To create comparison lenses for Utilization Details and Utilization Results you must first configure utilization in your PSA data environment using both these objects. For more information, see Utilization in the PSA Help.

You must have created the Utilization and Utilization Results datasets in PSA Analytics. For more information see Preparing the Data Environment for PSA Analytics.

Before creating your comparison lenses, we recommend selecting Include Sublevels in your in your selected utilization calculation to display regional sublevels.