Rule Fields

Here is a description of the ClickLink rule fields.


Key: * – Mandatory; R – Read-only.

Field     Description
ClickLink Rule *   Name of the ClickLink rule.
Batch Scope Size     The field used by the batch process. Set the scope size on a per rule basis used by the Salesforce batch. The default value is 1. Increase the batch scope size for higher performance. Reduce the batch scope size if Salesforce governor limits are reached.
Description     Optional text field to describe what a particular rule is used for. 255 character limit.
Owner   R Owner of the ClickLink rule. This is set when you create or edit the rule.
Partial Save     When enabled, all records than can be saved successfully are saved. The error log will show records that have failed. When not enabled, no records in the batch are saved if there is an error. See Using Partial Save with ClickLink Rules.
Source Object *   The object that the source information comes from.
Source Object Name Field *   The field in the source object which contains a value that identifies a source object record to the user. Typically, this is the Name field. This is mainly used during the logging and error handling facilities.
Source Object Process Field     The field that indicates whether a source record will be processed. You can either use a specific field on the source object set by the user to control which records should be processed, or you can use a formula (Number) field that automatically includes or excludes a source record based on the values of other fields on that source record.
Source Object Processed Field     The field that indicates whether a source record has been processed. The ClickLink rule automatically sets the value of the field in the source record when it is processed.
Note: Note
Only fields of type Checkbox are supported. Do not enter the name of a field that belongs to a type other than Checkbox.
Source Object Reference to Target   R Name of the field in the source object that contains the name of the target record created from the source object record.
Note: Note
When using the synchronization feature of ClickLink, this field contains the name of the last target record created from the source object record.
Target Object *   The target object for the data generated from the ClickLink rule.
Target Object Name Field *   The field in the target object which contains a value that identifies a target object record to the user. Typically, this is the Name field. This is mainly used during the logging and error handling facilities.


Field Description
Email Template The Email Template field defines the template to be used for email notifications when ClickLink jobs execute or when a user clicks a source object list view button.See Setting up Email Templates.

Synchronize Setup

The fields in this section determine whether mapped fields in target records are automatically updated when the fields in the source records are changed. See also, Synchronizing Source and Target Records

Key: # – If one field is completed, all fields must be completed.

Field   Description
Sync Enabled # Indicates whether synchronization is enabled for the ClickLink rule.
Note: Notes
If synchronization is enabled for a rule, that rule must contain a mapping with the Source Sync field set to Id and the Source Sync checkbox selected.
For synchronization to occur on detail rules, you must select Sync Enabled in both the master and detail rules.
When synchronization is enabled in rules where the Source Object field contains the same value, the Target Relation with Source field must be set to None in each of those rules.
Sync Is Master   Select this option if the synchronization rule is a master rule with no detail rules.
Target Object Sync Active Field #

The API name of the field on the target object that indicates whether that record is the record is to be updated when synchronization occurs. When you select the checkbox on a different record, that record is updated from the time the change is applied and the previous record is no longer updated.

Note: Note
Selecting this checkbox only changes data from the time at which the change is applied. Records are not updated in retrospect.
Target Object Sync Control Field # The field on the target object that determines when synchronization occurs.
Target Object Sync Control When # List of values that the field specified in the Target Object Sync Control Field can be set to on the target record for synchronization to occur. Synchronization with the target record only occurs when the value of the Target Object Sync Control Field in the target record matches one of the values defined in this field. Each value in the list must be on a separate line.

Target Record Creation on Source Insert

The fields in this section act as a type of rule that defines how ClickLink automatically creates target records when records are created and saved in the source object.

Note: Note
If you complete the fields in this section for a rule, on that rule you cannot add a ClickLink relationship or specify ClickLink mappings with a target record type other than Default.
Field     Description
Target Relation with Source     Determines how target records are created. For instance, you can create rules to generate many target records from a single source record.
Note: Note
This field must not contain a value when the Sync Enabled checkbox is selected.
Processed Field on Target     The field that indicates whether a target object has been successfully processed.
Relation Threshold     The maximum number of source records in the target object. When you insert a new source record, either a new master record is created for that source record, or it is attached to an existing master record depending on whether the number of children in the Relation Count Field on Target field has reached the value in the Relation Threshold field.
Relation Count Field on Target     The field that counts the number of child records in the target object. When the value in the specified field reaches the value in the Relation Threshold field, a new master record is created.


Here is a description of the buttons on the ClickLink Rules home page.

Button Description
New ClickLink Rule Creates a new ClickLink rule.
Change Owner Allows you to change the owner of a ClickLink rule and send a notification email.
Export Rule Prepares the selected ClickLink rules for export. You can then download the ClickLink rules as a JSON file.
Import Rule Allows you to import ClickLink rules using a JSON file.