Setting up Conga Integration for Billing Documents

To use the Conga Integration for Billing Documents, first complete the steps in Installation.

Three solutions are provided with the Conga Integration for Billing Documents:

Determining which Billing Document Template each Solution uses

These solutions depend on a Billing Document template being set on your Foundations company, and the Foundations company being set on each Billing Document. Conga then knows which template to use when printing or emailing a Billing Document.

If this dependency is not practical for your org (for example, because you don't set the Foundations company on each Billing Document), you can edit each solution to always use a particular template. If you do this, any template set on a Billing Document's Foundations company is ignored.

Setting the Template on your Foundations Company

To set a Billing Document template on your Foundations company, your administrator must first add the Billing Document lookup field to the Foundations Company page layout:

  1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
  2. Select Company where the installed package is FinancialForce ERP Core.
  3. Scroll down to the Page Layouts section.
  4. Click Edit next to the Company Layout.
  5. Add the Billing Document lookup to the page layout.
  6. Click Save.

You can then select the Billing Document template to use for your Foundations company:

  1. In the ERP Core Concepts app, click Companies.
  2. Go to the detail page for the company you want to edit.
  3. Use the Billing Document lookup to select the template you want to use for this company.
  4. Save your changes.

If you have multiple Foundations companies you can create custom templates so that each company uses a different Billing Document template. Refer to the Conga documentation for information about creating custom templates.

Editing Solutions to use a Particular Template

If you do not set the Foundations company on your Billing Documents or do not wish to set a template on your Foundations company, you can edit each solution to use a particular template. You must do this before you create Conga Batch Records to use these solutions for printing or emailing Billing Documents in bulk.

To edit a solution to use a particular template:

  1. Click the Conga Solutions tab and select the relevant Billing Document solution. You will need to repeat this procedure for all three solutions.
  2. Delete the Solution Component with the Parameter Name: ‘TemplateId’
  3. Click Add Templates.
  4. Select the Default Billing Document Template (or a custom template you’ve added yourself).
  5. Click Add Conga Template to Solution Record.
  6. Click Return to Solution Record.
  7. Click Update Button. If you receive a remote site setting error, go to the Conga Solutions Setup tab and click each Add Site button in turn. Click Save on each remote site detail window that opens, returning to the Conga Solutions Setup page after each addition. A green tick beside each site shows successful addition.

The solution will then always use the specified template to print or email Billing Documents.

Reverting to using the Template set on your Foundations Company

If you later wish to revert to deriving the template from the Billing Document's Foundations company:

  1. Click the Conga Solutions tab and select the relevant Billing Document solution.
  2. Delete the Solution Component with a Component Type: ‘File Template’
  3. Click Customize with Parameters.
  4. Enter the following:

    Parameter Name: TemplateId

    Parameter Value:

  5. Click Add Parameter to Solution Record.
  6. Click Return to Solution Record.
  7. Click Update Button. If you receive a remote site setting error, go to the Conga Solutions Setup tab and click each Add Site button in turn. Click Save on each remote site detail window that opens, returning to the Conga Solutions Setup page after each addition. A green tick beside each site shows successful addition.

If you have previously created Conga Batch records to use these solutions for printing or emailing Billing Documents in bulk, you must recreate those records to update the Formula Field.

Adding Buttons to the Billing Document Page Layouts

Once you have completed the setup for defining which template is used (either derived from the Foundations company or editing each solution to use a particular template), you need to add the new Conga Composer buttons to the Billing Document page layouts. Depending on which solutions you configured during installation, you might have some or all of the following Conga Composer buttons:

To make the Conga Composer buttons available on billing documents you need to add them to the page layouts for the Billing Document custom object:

  1. Go to Setup | Build | Create | Objects | Billing Document and click Page Layouts. There are two page layouts for the Billing Document custom object: a Foundations page layout and a Billing Central page layout. You need to add the new buttons to both layouts.
  2. In the Page Layouts section click Edit for the Foundations page layout.
  3. In the palette, click Buttons then drag the Conga Composer buttons from the palette to the Custom Buttons section on the page layout.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the Billing Central page layout.

Make sure that the appropriate page layout is assigned to the user profiles on your org.

The buttons are only available on the standard Salesforce Detail pages. See Using the Buttons on Billing Documents for more information.

Using the Buttons on Billing Documents

The buttons are only available on the standard Salesforce Detail pages. If you work with billing documents in the enhanced page, you must click then click the 'Switch to Salesforce Detail page' link to view the document in the standard Salesforce Detail page. Any Conga Composer buttons that have been added to the page layout will be displayed above the document detail. You can return to the enhanced page by clicking the Edit with Enhanced Page or View on Enhanced Page buttons if they are available.

If the billing document's status is "Draft", the word "Draft" is printed as a watermark on all output formats. Once the document's status is "Complete", the watermark is not included. You can change the watermark to another word if you prefer.

Document Lines Grouped by Plan

When you print a billing document using a Conga Composer button, the document lines will be grouped by plan if Group Printed Billing Documents by Plan is enabled in the Billing Central Settings custom setting.

Changing the "Draft" Watermark

The word "Draft" is printed as a watermark on all output formats when a billing document's status is "Draft". You can change the text for the watermark if you prefer.

To change the "Draft" watermark:

  1. Go to Setup | Build | Create | Custom Labels.
  2. Find the label BillingDocPrintDraftWatermark and click its name.
  3. Click New Local Translations.
  4. Pick your current language, then enter the alternative text in the Translation text box.
  5. Click Save.

If you decide to change the text again, either edit the existing translation or delete it and create a new one using the required text.

Single currency orgs

If your org is single currency and for some reason you decide to change its currency, you will need to edit the Conga solutions for Billing Documents to update the currency code which is held in the &DV1 parameter.

You can edit Conga solutions from the Conga Solutions tab. Refer to the Conga documentation for more information about editing solutions and the parameters that can be edited.