Generating Depreciation Schedules for Multiple Assets

You can generate depreciation schedules for multiple assets simultaneously. This is more efficient than generating depreciation schedules for assets, or asset books, one-by-one. Read About Mass Generating Depreciation Schedules before starting the process.

To generate depreciation schedules for multiple assets:

  1. Click the Fixed Asset Batch Jobs tab.
  2. Choose an appropriate list view. The page refreshes to display a list of previous generate processes.
  3. Click Generate Depreciation Schedules.
  4. On the Select Assets page choose whether you want to generate depreciation schedules for all assets or only for selected assets. When you choose Select Assets a number of filter controls are displayed so that you can narrow the selection down to the assets you want to depreciate:
    • Company - choose the company associated with the assets you want to depreciate. (This filter control is only available if FinancialForce Accounting or Foundations is installed.)
    • Group and Sub-Group - choose the group and sub-group of the assets you want to depreciate. You can select a sub-group without knowing its group by leaving Group set to All then selecting the appropriate sub-group.
    • Status - choose the status of the assets you want to depreciate. Only assets with a status of Active or Approved can be depreciated.
    • Date In Service - set a date range so that only assets with a Date In Service that falls within this range are selected for depreciation.

    Click Retrieve to proceed. Any assets that meet your filter criteria are selected and listed on the page. If the list includes an asset that you don't want to depreciate just yet, click 'Edit' above the list then select that asset's checkbox and click 'Remove from selection' to remove it from the list. (The Clear button removes all assets from the list.)

    Up to 1000 assets can be listed on this page. If more than 1000 assets meet your filter criteria, none are listed. You can either continue without seeing which assets have been selected, or narrow your filter criteria until the number of assets selected can be listed.

    Click Next to proceed.

  5. On the Settings page choose:
    • Which types of books to generate depreciation schedules for (Accounting, Custom, Tax, MACRS Tax).
    • Whether or not to replace existing depreciation schedules.
    • The period start date (only relevant if generating depreciation schedules for Custom or Tax books). Either enter a specific date or accept the asset's default date. See About Mass Generating Depreciation Schedules for details of how the default period start date is determined.
    • The duration (only relevant if generating depreciation schedules for Custom or Tax books).

    Click Next to proceed.

  6. On the Confirm and Run page, review the information provided then click Run to start the batch process to generate depreciation schedules.

Upon clicking Run the batch control record is displayed and a progress bar indicates how complete the job is. You can close this page because you will be notified by email once the job has completed.