Electronic Invoicing Overview
Electronic invoicing is a way of sending and receiving documents electronically in a structured data format that is machine-readable. This allows the documents to be processed automatically without the need for manual entry. The benefits of electronic invoicing include reductions in time, cost, and invoicing errors, and faster reporting. Some government authorities already require their suppliers to submit invoices electronically.
In this release you can send Accounting sales invoices as electronic invoices by connecting Foundations to Storecove. Storecove is a third-party electronic invoicing provider that uses the PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement OnLine) network to deliver your electronic invoices.
When you send a document as an electronic invoice, Foundations converts it to an internal structured data format before passing it to Storecove. Storecove then converts it to the format required by the recipient, and delivers it to the recipient via the PEPPOL network.
If the recipient company is not connected to Peppol, the invoice is delivered as an email attachment if the recipient's account includes an email address.
To understand how an Accounting sales invoice is converted to an electronic invoice, see Field Mappings for Sales Invoice to Electronic Invoice in the Accounting Help.
For a list of the supported Tax Scheme IDs , see Tax Scheme IDs Supported by Electronic Invoicing with Storecove.
How Do I Get Started Using Electronic Invoicing?
To get started using electronic invoicing, your organization must first subscribe to Storecove. When authentication credentials and URL connection details are obtained from Storecove, your administrator must:
- Go to Feature Console.
- Filter for Foundations features only.
- Find the Electronic Invoicing with Storecove feature and click it.
- Complete all the feature steps and additional setup explained in Setting up Electronic Invoicing with Storecove.
When all the setup is complete and electronic invoicing is available in your org, you can send an Accounting sales invoice as an electronic invoice by clicking its Send E-Invoice button. For more information, see Sending Sales Invoices as Electronic Invoices in the Accounting Help.