Configuring Financial Report Builder

Before you can use Financial Report Builder, you must ensure that:


Financial Report Builder is a separate package to Business Analytics and requires a separate installation. Contact your Onboarding team for more information.

Your administrator is responsible for managing your Analytics settings.

Financial Report Builder Permission Set

The Financial Report Builder permission set is required for Financial Report Builder users.

Using this permission set, you can perform the following actions in Financial Report Builder:

Configuring Filters in Financial Report Builder

By default, you can create up to five filters for reports created using the Financial Reports tab. You can increase this limit by editing the Lightning page layout for your report.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. From your report or statement, click Lightning cog icon. | Edit Page.
  2. Drag and drop the Analytics Query Filter to your required location on the Lightning Record page layout.
  3. Click Save.

Filters are built using lenses. The field represented by that lens becomes the filter used in your report. For each filter, you must create an appropriate lens in Analytics Studio. For example, to create a company name filter in your financial report or statement, the following process is used:

Creating Filters in Financial Report Builder.