Example 2 - Map Work Log Description to Custom Notes

The following example contains the necessary steps for editing existing mappings for the Sync Work Logs from Jira to Timecards in PSA workflow. The daily notes fields, for example Monday Notes, have a limit of 255 characters. If work log descriptions exceed this limit, the timecard is not created or updated in PSA. To prevent this issue, you can create custom fields for daily notes and map them.


We assume that you have created seven custom long text area fields on the Timecard object, one for each day of the week. In our case, the fields follow the pattern Day_Description__c, for example Monday_Description__c.

  1. In Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Next to IHC Mapping Jira to PSA, click Manage Records. A list of existing mappings displays. For a description of all the available fields and the accepted values, see IHC Mappings Jira to PSA Fields in the PSA Help.
  3. Next to PSAJiraWorkLog MondayNotes, click Edit.
  4. Next to PSA Field, enter the API name of your custom field for Monday notes. For example, Monday_Description__c.
  5. Click Save. The changes to the mapping are now saved.
  6. Repeat steps 3-6 for each day, changing the name of the day.

If you also enable the Sync Issues from Jira to Project Tasks in PSA, task time records are automatically created alongside timecards. In that case, you might also want to map the work log description to custom daily note fields on the Task Time object. You can do so by following the step above, with two differences: