Billing Event Generation Tab

Use this tab to generate multiple billing event batches at the region, practice, or group level, and release them for invoicing at the batch or billing event level. You can also select the types of business record that you want to include, such as timecards, expenses and miscellaneous adjustments.

Using this tab, multiple users can generate and release billing events at the same time. You cannot delete or remove billing events when another user is generating or releasing billing events.

If you want to see more or fewer items on a page, ask your administrator for help.

Generating Billing Events

You can generate billing events for a region, practice, group, account, period and project. You can generate billing events for more than one project, where they belong to the same region, practice, and group. You can also include time periods prior to the one selected in the Period field.

To generate multiple billing events:

  1. From App Launcher, open the Billing Event Generation tab.
  2. In the Period field, select the time period that you want to generate billing events for.
  3. [Optional] We recommend that you select the Include prior periods checkbox to generate billing events for past periods in addition to the period you have selected.

    Your administrator can define how far into the past you can generate billing events for. Alternatively, select the cutoff date if you are using flexible billing. For more information about flexible billing, see About Flexible Billing Periods.

  4. If your administrator has set up your org to do so, you can select a sub-region, -practice, or -group to generate billing events for. The top-level RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. is selected when you load the page.

    If you want to select regions, practices, or groups, and they are not visible, ask your administrator for help.

  5. [Optional] To filter the details further, enter the account or project that you want to generate billing events for.
  6. Select or deselect the checkboxes for the types of business record that you want to include or exclude when generating the billing event.

    When you have generated a billing event, the checkboxes revert to the defaults that your administrator has set.

  7. Click Generate to generate billing event batches for each account that meets your selected criteria. Click Schedule to run a batch job at a specific time in the future. For more information, see Scheduling Billing Event Generation.

    The progress of all batches that are currently processing is shown in the Processing Status section at the bottom of the tab. The progress is updated every five seconds.

    Successfully generated billing events are displayed in the Process Billing Events section, ready to release.

    A Details column in the processing bar status displays information for your billing event selections.

Removing Billing Events

After reviewing the billing event details, you can remove any billing events that you don't want to release by reverting the billing process. This deletes the selected billing events and their billing event items, and reverts associated records to a state where they are eligible for billing again.

Note: You cannot undo this action.

To remove generated billing event batches, billing event or billing event items:

  1. In the Process Billing Events section, select the checkboxes for the billing event batches, billing event or billing event items that you want to remove.
  2. Click Remove. The removed items are no longer shown in the list.

Releasing Billing Events

After generating billing events, but before releasing them, you can:

To release generated billing events:

  1. In the table in the Process Billing Events section, select billing event batches, billing events and billing items to release.

    You cannot release billing event items without their parent billing event, but you can release individual billing events without their parent billing event batch.

  2. Click Release.

    The progress of all batches that are currently processing is shown in the Processing Status section at the bottom of the tab. The progress is updated every five seconds.

    Billing events that are successfully released are removed from the table.

Note: When you have selected the Auto-Cap Billing checkbox in a project, project billing events or billing event batches that exceed the billing cap are not released.

About Flexible Billing Periods

If your administrator has configured PSA to use flexible billing, you can select a cutoff date instead of a time period to use for project and account billing events. Billing events are generated for time periods that end on or before the date you specify. The diagram below shows how PSA selects the time period type.

Tip: If generating billing events based on account or project specific time periods, we recommend using the force-daily-timecard-splits configuration option and only processing timecards created after setting this configuration option. You must generate Billing events for timecards that were created before the configuration option was set without using flexible billing periods. If you do not do this, timecard splits might not be split relative to the periods that you are billing for, resulting in a billing event batch and billing event containing a timecard split from a different time period.