Editing Expenses and Attaching and Combining Receipts

To edit an existing expense report:

  1. Display the Expense Reports tab.
  2. Click the Expense Report Name of the expense report that you want to edit.
  3. Scroll to Expenses.
  4. Click Edit Expenses.
  5. Make the changes you want. See Expense Report Page Fields.
  6. Click Save.

When your expenses are calculated, the expense rate or limit applied might depend on the date that you incurred the expense.

Attaching Receipts

There are several ways in which you can attach receipts to expenses. You can attach receipts when creating an expense report on the Expense Entry page, or by attaching the receipts to an existing expense record. For information about attaching receipts when creating an expense report, see Entering Multiple Expenses.

To attach a file or receipt to an existing expense:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 2 in the preceding section.
  2. If you want to attach the receipt to a particular expense record, scroll to the Expenses section and click the expense number of the expense to which you want to attach receipts.
  3. Scroll to the Notes & Attachments related list.
  4. Click Attach File.
  5. Select the location of your receipt file. Click Browse to locate the file.
  6. Click Attach File.
  7. If you want to attach more files repeat the last three steps, otherwise click Done.
If you click Done before the system has finished uploading your file, the upload is canceled. Files that were uploaded successfully are listed in the Notes & Attachments section.

Combining Expense Documents

Within an expense report, you can combine multiple images of receipts for all of the expenses in the report into a PDF file up to 25 MB. If the total size of the selected images is over 25 MB, multiple PDF files are created. The image formats supported are JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, and PNG.

Depending on how your org is configured, non-image or other attachments up to 5 MB are moved or copied to the expense report as separate documents in the same combine operation.

Note: The following configuration options in your org affect how documents attached to expenses are handled:For more information, see Expense Settings.

To combine expense documents:

  1. On an Expense Report record, click Actions | Expense Report Attachments | Combine Attachments. The All Expenses with Attachments window opens. Image and other attachments are listed for the relevant expenses.
  2. [Optional] Click the expense number. The Expense Details window opens.
  3. [Optional] To view the attachments that are not saved as images, select Other Attachments. Depending on how your org is configured, these attachments will be moved or copied from the expense line to the expense report.
  4. Select some or all image attachments you want to combine, then click Combine. Depending on the total size of the selected documents, one or more PDFs are generated.