Linking Rate Card Sets

Link rate cards in sets and apply a set to a project or opportunity to determine project rates.

Linking Rate Card Sets to Rate Cards

To link rate cards to a rate card set, add the PSA Link Rate Card Set To Rate Cards component to the Rate Card Set Lightning record page. For more information about adding our components to record pages, see PSA Lightning Components Overview.

To link a rate card set to a rate card:

  1. Select a Rate Card Set record on the Rate Card Sets page.
  2. On a Rate Card Set page record page, click Linked Rate Cards. Rate cards currently linked to the rate card set are displayed.
  3. Click Link Rate Cards.
  4. In the Link Rate Cards window, select a Rate Card Role. The rate cards for the selected role are displayed.
  5. Select the checkboxes of the available rate cards you want to link to the set.
  6. Click Save. The rate cards are successfully linked to the rate card set.

Unlinking Rate Cards from a Rate Card Set

To unlink rate cards from a set:

  1. On the Rate Card Set page record page, click Linked Rate Cards.
  2. In the Rate Cards Linked To Rate Card Set section, select the checkboxes of the rate cards you want to unlink from the rate card set.
  3. Click Unlink Rate Cards. The rate cards are successfully unlinked from the rate card set.