Staffing a Team Schedule

To staff a team schedule:

  1. Access the Team Schedule Planner page from the PSE Links sidebar on the Home tab, with the Open Team Scheduler button on the Manage Team page, or from the Team tab.
  2. Select the Fill Schedule tab on the Team Schedule Planner page.
  3. Select a team.
  4. Use the date selector to select the week for which you are staffing the schedule.
  5. Select an oval representing the team member entry in the Team Members pane.
  6. Click a spot in each available time slot in the Team Schedule pane to assign the Team Member, as needed. For more information on the different spot indicators, see Team Schedule Planner Buttons and Indicators.
  7. (Optional) Click the Notes icon to add notes for the day's schedule then click Apply Changes to add your notes.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Send Schedule to send a copy of the schedule. For details on configuring recipients of the notification email, see Specifying Team Schedule Notifications.
    Note that administrator setup is required to send a team schedule using this button. For details, see Sending Team Schedule Notifications.
Note: Note
If you have permissions, you can edit assignments for days in the current or future weeks. You can edit day assignments that have passed in the current week.  For example, if it is Wednesday of the current week, you can edit assignments for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, as well as Wednesday through Saturday. You cannot edit assignments in past weeks. For more information on access privileges, see Configuring Shift Management.