Dataview - Transpose Data
This popup is displayed when you click the icon for a field on the Fields tab of the Dataview Editor. If you want to transpose certain values to a field, use this popup to define the possible source object fields. For example, in a dataview
Defines the object data that Action Views can interrogate. This can be one or more objects. joining the Transaction, SalesInvoice and SalesCreditNote objects for inquiring on sales documents, you might want one field to hold both invoice due dates and credit note due dates. You can do this by transposing the two fields to one field based on transaction type.
Field | Description |
Transpose On | Choose the source object field that determines what content can be held in the current field. In the example above, this would be the TransactionType field on the Transaction object. (This can be a field that already exists in the dataview.) |
Values Grid
The Transpose On field will have multiple values. Associate a value to a particular source object field by entering the details in the grid below. For example, if you are transposing on the TransactionType field, you would associate each TransactionType value (Invoice, CreditNote, Cash, Journal, etc) to the appropriate source object field.
Field | Description |
Checkbox | Selects the current row. |
Value | The value that you want to associate with a particular source object field. |
Source | The source object containing the field that you want to associate with the selected value. |
Object Field | The object field that you want to associate with the selected value. Once you have chosen the object field on the first row, only object fields of that same datatype can be selected on subsequent rows. |
The following buttons are available:
Button | Description |
Add | Adds a row so that you can enter another value. |
Delete | Deletes the selected rows from the Values grid. |
Cancel | Abandons your changes and returns you to the Dataview Editor - Fields tab. |
OK | Saves your changes and returns you to the Dataview Editor- Fields tab. The Object Field and Name for the new row are populated with details of the Transpose On field. You can change the field's Name to something more meaningful for your organization. |