Grouping Data Using Reporting Values

You can use Groups 1 to 5 in the reporting values to create Smart Totals. The templates have been designed to automatically sub-total these groups by the Field API Name.

For example, if you wanted your balance sheet to be sub-totaled by Trial Balance Level 3 you would use Groups 1 to 5 as follows:

Balance Sheet sub-totaled by Trial Balance Level 3
Reporting Value Name Type/Template Key Field API Name
Trial Balance Level 2 Group 01 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.c2g__TrialBalance2__c
Trial Balance Level 3 Group 02 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.c2g__TrialBalance3__c
General Ledger Account Group 10 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.Name
Home Value Sum A c2g__HomeValue__c

And the report would look like this:

Report output
Trial Balance Level 2 Trial Balance Level 3 General Ledger Account Home Value
Current Assets Bank and Cash Barclays Bank Account 1000.00
Current Assets Bank and Cash Bank of America Account 1500.00
Current Assets Accounts Receivable AR Control 2000.00
Current Assets Inventory Hardware 3000.00
Total     7500.00

Alternatively you may prefer to use Groups 10 and above to provide the same level of grouping, but without the sub-totals.

Grouping by Groups 10 and above
Reporting Value Name Type/Template Key Field API Name
Trial Balance Level 2 Group 10 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.c2g__TrialBalance2__c
Trial Balance Level 3 Group 11 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.c2g__TrialBalance3__c
General Ledger Account Group 12 c2g__GeneralLedgerAccount__r.Name
Home Value Sum A c2g__HomeValue__c

In this case the report will still display the Trial Balance Hierarchies but not the sub-totals, like this:

Report output
Trial Balance Level 2 Trial Balance Level 3 General Ledger Account Home Value
Current Assets Bank and Cash Barclays Bank Account 1000.00
Current Assets Bank and Cash Bank of America Account 1500.00
Current Assets Accounts Receivable AR Control 2000.00
Current Assets Inventory Hardware 3000.00
Total     7500.00