Creating a New Reporting Prompt Mapping

To create a new reporting prompt mappingClosed Map reporting prompts to the related reporting filters.:

  1. Click the Reporting Definitions tab.
  2. Open the relevant reporting definitionClosed The top-level object from which reports are run. detail page by clicking its name in the list of reporting definitions.
  3. Scroll down to the Reporting Prompts related list and click the name of the relevant reporting promptClosed Information that the user provides at run time. to open it.
  4. In the Report Prompt Mappings related list, click New Reporting Prompt Mapping.
  5. Provide the following information:
  6. Click Save or, if you want to save the current record and immediately create another, click Save & New.

To edit an existing reporting prompt mapping, click Edit next to the name of the relevant reporting prompt mapping in the Reporting Prompt Mappings related list.


The Automatically Generate Prompt Mappings setting in the Reporting Settings (FF) custom setting automatically creates an associated reporting prompt mapping for you when you create, update, or delete a reporting filter mapping. For more information, see Managing Custom Settings.