About Recognize All

You can run revenue recognition for all currencies and all revenue streamsClosed Source object groups. Each source object group has a primary source object and up to three additional levels of related source objects. Typical revenue streams might be Projects, Billing Contracts, and Sales Invoices. at once by using Recognize All. The Recognize All process runs in the background and sends you an email upon completion.

When you start the Recognize All process, you can choose whether to create revenue recognition transactions with the status "Committed", or with the status "In Progress" so that you can review them before committing them manually.

The process creates separate revenue recognition transactions for each combination of currency and revenue stream. For example, let's assume there are two companies in your org using the currencies and revenue streams detailed below:



Revenue Streams

Merlin Spain EUR, USD Billing Contracts, Sales Invoices
Merlin UK GBP, USD Projects, Sales Invoices

When you run Recognize All in this org, the following revenue recognition transactions are created:



Revenue Stream

RRT1 EUR Billing Contracts
RRT2 EUR Sales Invoices
RRT3 GBP Projects
RRT4 GBP Sales Invoices
RRT5 USD Billing Contracts
RRT6 USD Projects
RRT7 USD Sales Invoices

RRT7 contains sales invoice details for both Merlin Spain and Merlin UK. If you prefer to have separate transactions for each company, you can do this by mapping the Grouped By field on your sales invoice settings record, to a Company field on your sales invoice object. Instead of RRT7, the Recognize All process will then create two transactions:




Revenue Stream

RRT7 Merlin Spain USD Sales Invoices
RRT8 Merlin UK USD Sales Invoices

You can map the Grouped By field on your source object settings record to any Lookup, Picklist, or Text field on the source object. Recognize All will then create separate transactions for each combination of currency, revenue stream, and value in the Grouped By field on your source records. For example, if you map the Grouped By field to an Account field on your source object, Recognize All will create separate transactions for each combination of currency, revenue stream, and account.
