What is Template Mapping?

Template mapping lets you map revenue recognition templates to source records so that you do not have to select a template each time you create a record.

Template mapping is only available for the following objects:

Contact FinancialForce if you wish to use template mapping with other source objects.

You can apply the same template to all records of a given type (for example, you might want to apply the Timecard - Delivery template to all your timecards), or you can specify criteria so that a template is only applied to records that meet those criteria. The template mapping process only runs when records are created, so if a record is subsequently edited and no longer meets the criteria its template will remain unchanged.


Source Object Criteria Field Criteria Value Template
Timecard__c <blank> <blank> RRT1
Timecard__c Job_Title__c Business Analyst RRT2
Timecard__c Job_Title__c Consultant RRT3
Expense__c <blank> <blank> RRT11
Expense__c Type__c Lodging RRT12
Expense__c Type__c Recruiting RRT15

In the timecard example, when a business analyst creates a timecard, the RRT2 template is automatically applied. When a consultant creates a timecard, the RRT3 template is automatically applied. Timecards for people with other job titles will use the RRT1 template.
