Granting Lightning Users Access to Action Queues

The Action Queues app comprises several tabs such as the Warehouse tab, the Shipping tab, or the Put Away Inventory tab, some of them with different subtabs. If your users are working in Lightning, you can grant them access to these tabs and subtabs by using SCM Functional Permissions. However, if you use your own permission sets and permission set groups, you must make sure that the required permissions are configured properly. The sections below contain detailed descriptions of the access requirements for these tabs and subtabs.

For more information about SCM Functional Permissions see SCM Functional Permissions Overview and Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Granting Lightning Users Access to the Warehouse Tab

The Warehouse tab comprises three subtabs: Customer Orders to Fill, Supplier Orders to Fill, and Parts for Transfer. You can find here a detailed description of the access requirements for each subtab.

Granting Lightning Users Access to the Shipping Tab

You can find here a detailed description of the access requirements for the following subtabs within the Shipping tab: Ship Material to Customer, Ship Material to Supplier, Transfer Parts to Warehouse.


The following subtabs are not included as part of the Shipping Lightning component tab and are only available for Classic and Lightning Visualforce pages:

Granting Lightning Users Access to the Put Away Inventory Tab

You can find here a detailed description of the access requirements for the Put Away Inventory tab.

Permission Requirements for Put Away Inventory




Application Access Action Queues (Action_Queues) Visible
Apex Class Permission EnhancedBryntumGridController Enabled
InventoryAQPutAwayController Enabled
SelectLocationController Enabled
Custom Permission Put Items Away (Put_Away_Inventory_AQ) Enabled
Tab Permission Put Away Inventory (PutAwayInventory) Visible
Object Permission Inventory Action Queue (Inventory_Action_Queue__c)



Note: Additionally, read permission is required on all used fields from the object and its associated objects.
Inventory Location (Inventory_Location__c)


Note: Additionally, read permission is required on all used fields from the object and its associated objects.
Warehouse (Warehouse__c)


Note: Additionally, read permission is required on all used fields from the object and its associated objects.