Advanced Quoting Settings

Use these custom fields in the Advanced Quoting Settings custom setting to change the behavior of FinancialForce Configure Price Quote.

Custom Field Description
Allow Bottom Line Discount Indicates whether the Bottom Line Discount and Total Quote Price fields are displayed in the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page. When cleared, the Bottom Line Discount does not appear and you cannot apply a bottom line discount to the quote.
Allow Cloning of Line Indicates whether the Clone Lines option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list on the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page.
Allow Cost Plus Modification Indicates whether the Cost Plus option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page. When the Cost Plus option is listed, you can modify the price of items to be sold to the customer by a percentage of the cost. The price is calculated using the formula:
Quantity * (Item Cost * (1 + (Cost Plus/100)))
Where Cost Plus is the percentage you enter.
Allow Discount Modification for SC Indicates whether the Discount modification options appear in the list of available options on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page on a Service Contract customer quotation.
Allow List Minus Modification Indicates whether the List Minus option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page. When the List Minus option is listed, you can modify the price of an item by a percentage of its list price. The price is calculated using the formula:
List Price * (1 - (List Minus/100))
Where List Minus is the percentage you enter.
Allow List Minus Modification On SC Indicates whether the List Minus option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page on a Service Contract customer quotation. When the List Minus option is listed, you can modify the price of an item by a percentage of its list price. The price is calculated using the formula:
List Price * (1 - (List Minus/100))
Where List Minus is the percentage you enter.
Allow Multiple Selection Of Options Indicates whether you can select more than one option per option type for a single customer quotation line.
Allow Profit Margin Modification Indicates whether the Profit Margin option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page. When the Profit Margin option is listed, you can adjust the price for the selected lines based on the percentage profit margin you want to make. The price is calculated using the formula:
Quantity * (Item Cost / (1 - (Profit Margin/100)))
Where Profit Margin is the percentage you enter.
Allow Profit Margin Modification On SC Indicates whether the Profit Margin option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page on a Service Contract customer quotation. When the Profit Margin option is listed, you can adjust the price for the selected lines based on the percentage profit margin you want to make. The price is calculated using the formula:
Quantity * (Item Cost / (1 - (Profit Margin/100)))
Where Profit Margin is the percentage you enter.
Allow Set Cost By List Modification Indicates whether the Set Cost By List Minus option appears in the list of available actions on the Modify Checked Item(s) drop-down list within the Quote Line Breakdown section of the Customer Quotation page. When the Set Cost By List Minus option is listed, you can adjust the item cost by reducing the List Price by the percentage you specify. The item cost is calculated using the formula:
List Price - (List Price * (1 - (Set Cost By List Minus/100)))
Where Set Cost By List Minus is the percentage you enter.

To use this option, a list price greater than zero must be set on the quote line. If the List Price is zero, the Item Cost is set to zero when you set the Cost By List Minus.

Allow User Preferences Indicates whether you can change the fields that appear on the Quote Line Breakdown section of a customer quotation. When selected, the User Preferences link appears in the top-right of the Quote Breakdown section. You can then click the link to change the fields that appear.
Calculate RC Fees from Line Start Date Indicates whether the start date on a flex term customer quotation line or flex term service contract line is used to calculate recurring term fees.
Default Condition Default condition to use on a quote line if you do not enter one when creating a quote line.

The condition must exist in the Condition tab on the Codes tab.

Default Delivery Days Default number of delivery days to be added to quote lines when no value is specified.
Default Price By Method The default pricing method to use on each quotation line. If this field does not contain a valid pricing method, no automatic pricing takes place. Valid values include Cost Plus, List Minus, Profit Margin and Set Cost By List Minus.
Default Price By Percent Default percentage to use when automatically setting the price using the method in the Default Price By Method.
Display Contracts Breakdown Indicates whether the Quote Line Breakdown section is displayed on Service Contract, Flex Term SC and Change Request customer quotations.
Display Item Breakdown Indicates whether the Quote Line Breakdown section is displayed on Inventory and Drop Ship customer quotations.
Display Price Match Indicates whether a warning message appears when the Total Internal Price does not equal the Total Customer Price.
Display Quotation Banner Indicates whether a banner is displayed at the top of customer quotations. When selected, a different banner is displayed for Service Contract and Item quotations depending on the value in the Quotation Contracts Banner or Quotation Item Banner custom field .
Internal vs Customer Tolerance The amount the Total Internal Price and the Total Customer Price can differ by before a warning message appears when Display Price Match is selected.
Lines Per Page Maximum number of customer quotation lines to be displayed on a page. The maximum value is 200.
Location Indicates the user, profile or organization to which these custom fields apply. You can configure this custom setting for your entire organization, a profile or for a particular user.
Print Quotation Comments onto quote PDF Indicates that comments entered into the Quotation Comments field on a Customer Quotation will appear on the Customer Quotation PDF. The default for this setting is 'Disabled'. You must enable this setting for Quotation Comments to be printed to the quotation PDF.
Quotation Banner Height Determines the height of the customer quotation banner when displayed.
Quotation Contracts Banner Visualforce page to display at the top of Service Contract, Flex Term SC or Change Request customer quotations when Display Quotation Banner is selected. If you do not enter a value, the CustomerQuotationContractHighlights Visualforce page is displayed. See CustomerQuotationContractHighlights Visualforce Page.
Quotation Item Banner Visualforce page to display at the top of Inventory or Drop Ship customer quotations when Display Quotation Banner is selected. If you do not enter a value, the CustomerQuotationHighlights Visualforce page is displayed. See CustomerQuotationHighlights Visualforce Page.
Required Fields Required fields for a customer quotation line. To make fields mandatory on customer quotation lines, enter the label of each field you want to make mandatory separated by a comma. For example: Internal Sell Price, Ext. Internal Sell Price.
Search Price List Indicates whether you can search list price records on a customer quotation.
Search Supplier Catalog Indicates whether you can search supplier catalogs on a customer quotation.
Show Service Detail Term Indicates whether service term details are shown in the Quote Line Breakdown section of a contract customer quotation.
ShowMiniPages Indicates whether an Item Detail preview popup appears when you hover over an Item Name in the Quote Line Breakdown section of a customer quotation line.
Turn Off Add Dialog For Drop Ship On a drop ship customer quotation this indicates whether the Add New Customer Quotation Line popup is suppressed when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go. When the checkbox is selected, a new customer quotation line is added immediately when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go.
Turn Off Add Dialog For Inventory On an inventory customer quotation this indicates whether the Add New Customer Quotation Line popup is suppressed when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go. When the checkbox is selected, a new customer quotation line is added immediately when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go.
Turn Off Add Dialog For Service On a service contract or change request customer quotation this indicates whether the Add New Customer Quotation Line popup is suppressed when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go. When the checkbox is selected, a new customer quotation line is added immediately when you enter a new line in the Enter New Line box and click Go.
Turn off Prorated Terms Indicates whether prorated calculations are turned off. When selected, the value you enter for a term is not overridden by the prorated amount if the first or last term is not a full term.
Turn off auto update prices on CR Gives the user the option to turn off the auto update prices function on a change request that is based on a price type change. This function is for users who don't want all the prices across all the lines to change when a price type change is made.
Turn On Quote Line Selection Indicates whether customer quotation lines remain selected after you make a change.
Turn Sidebar To Customer Quotation Pages Indicates whether the Salesforce sidebar appears on the Customer Quotation page.
Unsync Customer Quotation Line Terms Indicates whether synchronization between customer quotation lines and the customer quotation is prevented for drop ship or inventory quotes.

CustomerQuotationHighlights Visualforce Page

This is the default page displayed at the top of Inventory or Drop Ship customer quotations when Display Quotation Banner is selected. If you create your own Visualforce page, you must enter its name in the Quotation Item Banner custom field to display it.

<apex:page standardController="SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c"
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.SCMQT__SCM_Resources, 'styles/aqToolStyles.css')}" />
<div class="highlight-points">
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total List Price</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMQT__Total_List_Price__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel main threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Customer Price</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_Quote_After_Rebate__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Gross Profit</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_Gross_Profit__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Discount Price</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMQT__Total_Discount__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Cost</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_Cost__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Gross Percent</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_Gross_Percent__c}" /></div>

CustomerQuotationContractHighlights Visualforce Page

This is the default page displayed at the top of Service Contract, Flex Term SC or Change Request customer quotations when Display Quotation Banner is selected. If you create your own Visualforce page, you must enter its name in the Quotation Contracts Banner custom field to display it.

<apex:page standardController="SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c"
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.SCMQT__SCM_Resources, 'styles/aqToolStyles.css')}" />
<div class="highlight-points">
<div class="highlight-panel main threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Contract Value</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_Contract_Value_After_Waived_Terms__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Contract Terms</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Service_Term_Number__c}" />&nbsp;<Span class="noLink"><apex:outputField styleClass="noLink" value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Service_Term_Lookup__c}" /></span></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Contract End Date</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Service_Contract_End_Date__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Monthly Recurring Revenue</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Monthly_Recurring_Revenue__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Total Non-Recurring Fees</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_NRC_Extended_After_Discounts__c}" /></div>
<div class="highlight-panel threetier">
<div class="hlTitle">Billing Terms Fees</div>
<div class="hlValue"><apex:outputField value="{!SCMC__Customer_Quotation__c.SCMC__Total_RC_Extended_After_Discounts__c}" /></div>