Picking the Items on a Sales Order
The picking process for a sales order consists of confirming the picklists associated with the sales order once their items have been picked. A sales order can have multiple picklists associated with it.
Confirming Sales Order Picklists
This section describes the steps you must perform to confirm sales order picklists.
Using Lightning Experience
To confirm sales order picklists:
- Click the Warehouse tab. This tab belongs to the Action Queues app and you can search for it in the Salesforce App Launcher.
- Click the Customer Orders to Fill tab.
- Select the sales order picklists that you want to confirm.
- [Optional] Click Print to see a print preview of the selected picklists. You can print or download this preview using the options in your browser.
- Click Confirm to confirm that the items on the selected picklists have been picked.
To help you keep track of your printed picklists, the Printed field shows a check mark after you click Print and the print preview opens. Note that the check mark shows once the print preview opens, whether you print the preview from your browser or not is not controlled by the field.
When you confirm a sales order picklist:
- The picklist is no longer listed in the Customer Orders to Fill subtab of the Warehouse tab.
The shipment associated with the picklist displays on the Ship Material to Customer subtab of the Shipping tab.
- The shipping status of the sales order is set to:
- "Pulled All Items Pending Shipment", if all the picklists associated with the sales order have been confirmed.
- "Pulled Partial Items Pending Shipment", if some of the picklists associated with the sales order are still awaiting confirmation.
Using Classic or Lightning Visualforce Pages
To confirm sales order picklists:
- Click the Action Queues tab.
- Click the Warehouse tab.
- Go to the Customer Orders to Fill section.
- [Optional] To print a sales order picklist, click Print Slip.
- To confirm that the items on a sales order picklist have been picked, click Confirm.
When you confirm a sales order picklist:
- The picklist is no longer listed in the Customer Orders to Fill section of the Warehouse tab.
- The shipment associated with the picklist displays on the Ship Material to Customer section of the Shipping tab.
- The shipping status of the sales order is set to:
- "Pulled All Items Pending Shipment", if all the picklists associated with the sales order have been confirmed.
- "Pulled Partial Items Pending Shipment", if some of the picklists associated with the sales order are still awaiting confirmation.