Managing Analysis Dimensions

A dimension list page displays a list of analysis dimensionsClosed Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. in your current view. From this page, you can view detailed information and access other related information.

See "Viewing Custom Object Lists" in the Salesforce Help for more information on using list views.

Displaying Dimension Records

When you have located an analysis dimension record on the home or list pages, click the dimension name to display detailed information.

To check where this functionality is available, see Enabling the Disable Dimensions Feature.

Editing Dimension Records

To update an analysis dimension record, click Edit, and then change the fields you want to update. When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the current record and create another.

See Dimension Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a dimension record.

Deleting Analysis Dimensions

You can only delete an analysis dimension that is not used on another FinancialForce record.

To delete an analysis dimension record:

  1. Once you have located the dimension that you want to delete on the home or list pages, click its name to display its detail page.
  2. Click Delete. A warning message is displayed.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion. The deleted record is moved to the recycle bin.

Disabling Dimensions

You can only disable a dimension that is not in use.

To disable a dimension:

  1. In Dimension 1, 2, 3, or 4 locate the dimension you want to disable.
  2. Click the name of the dimension you want to disable.
  3. Select the Disabled checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
Note: Lookup filters exclude disabled dimensions. As a result, disabled dimensions do not appear in related lookups.

Notes and Attachments

You can create, view, and edit notes and add attachments from the Notes & Attachments section. This section is used to attach any internal notes you want to retain about the record. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.

Related Lists 

The related lists that you see are determined by your personal customization, by any customization your administratorClosed One or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges. has made to page layouts or your permissions to view related data. You can click on individual items to display additional detail. Clicking New lets you directly add new items.