Customizing Audit Files

Tip: Use the following reference topic to know how the audit file is mapped:

To configure an audit file:

  1. From Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Next to Foundations Configuration Item, click Manage.
  3. Click the name of the audit file you want to configure.
  4. Click Clone.
  5. Increment the Small Data value by one. For example, if the field contains auditfile:DE1, enter auditfile:DE2. This allows you to keep numerous configurations of an audit file which can be used at a later date.

    By default, the process for generating document uses the record with the highest Small Data value.

  6. In the Label field, add the Small Data number increment to the end of the existing label. For example, Audit File German Configuration 2. This makes the record easier to identify.
  7. In the Large Data field, edit the required mappings.

    Copy the JSON to a text editor with syntax highlighting to edit it more easily.

  8. Make sure that the Enabled checkbox is selected.
  9. Click Save.