Editing Payable Credit Notes

To update selected details on a payable credit note, click Edit on a payable credit note detail or list page, at any time prior to posting, and then change the fields you want to update.

See Payable Credit Note Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a payable credit note.

For information about maintaining the lines on an existing credit note, see Payable Credit Note Line Items.

When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the current document and immediately begin to create another.

Note: The Save & Newbutton is not available forLightning Experience.

Amending a Posted Payable Credit Note

This section describes how to amend a posted payable credit note inLightning Experienceand in the different editions of our application. If you are unsure about the version you are using, contact your administrator.

Note 2: Note 2:
The ability to edit custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping is controlled by the Enable Edit Sub-Analysis (after posting) field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. If you cannot edit these fields on a posted document, contact your administrator.