Creating an App from the Financial Analytics Template
The configuration wizard for Financial Management Analytics enables you to generate an app containing datasets, dashboards, and lenses by providing answers to questions about the values you need to create your financial statements and dashboards.
Completing the questions in the configuration wizard usually takes up to 15 minutes. The length of time for your first app to be generated depends on the volumes of transactions that you have posted and whether you have turned on specific features in Analytics such as Data Sync and Incremental Load.
By default, the Data Sync and Incremental Load features are turned off in Analytics. Turning these features on can improve the performance of the configuration wizard. If your updates take a long time, contact Customer Support. Refer to the Salesforce Help for Analytics for more information about these features.
Select the FinancialForce Financial Analytics template, then click Continue.
Provide your answers to each question. See below for a list of the questions included in the configuration wizard.
Name your app then click Create.
Your app is now available on the Apps page. Lenses can be retrieved in FinancialForce XL Plus.
By default, when you generate an app the sharing settings are set to private. To give access to other users, click . This opens the app's Give Access tab. For more information about sharing Analytics apps, see the Salesforce Help.
To create your app, you are required to provide responses to the following questions in the configuration wizard. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Configuration Wizard Questions
1. If the name of your general ledger account starts with a code, how many characters does the code have?*
Specify the number of characters in the code. For example, if the general ledger account is called 4000-Sales, you would enter 5 as the number of characters in the code (4000-). If the general ledger account does not start with a code, enter 0 (mandatory response).
3a. For the General Ledger Type field, which value is your equivalent to Profit and Loss?*
Select the value that represents Profit and Loss within your business. Ensure each value is only selected once in questions 2a to 2d (mandatory response).
3b. For the General Ledger Type field, which value is your equivalent to Balance Sheet?*
Select the value that represents Balance Sheet within your business. Ensure each value is only selected once in questions 2a to 2d (mandatory response).
3c. For the General Ledger Type field, which value is your equivalent to Shareholders Equity?*
Select the value that represents Shareholders Equity within your business. Ensure each value is only selected once in questions 2a to 2d (mandatory response).
3d. Which additional General Ledger Account Type values do you need to create your financial statements?
Select any additional values you didn't already select in questions 2a to 2c that you need for your financial statements.
4a. Which additional fields from the Transaction object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Transaction object. These are then added to the Financial Balances, Financial Matching and Financial Transactions datasets. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
The following system-generated fields are not displayed in the list of available fields for import:
Apex Job ID
Archive Set
Avalara Integration Status
Avalara VAT Reporting Status
Batch Process
External ID
Invoice Group
Income Schedule Group
Unit of Work
To avoid duplication of fields stored on the Transaction Line Item object, you cannot add these fields from the Transaction object:
Document Number
4b. Which additional fields from the Transaction Line Item object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Transaction Line Item object. These are then added to the Financial Balances, Financial Matching and Financial Transactions datasets. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
The following system-generated fields are not displayed in the list of available fields for import:
Apex Job ID
Archive Set
Avalara Integration Status
Avalara VAT Reporting Status
Batch Process
External ID
Invoice Group
Income Schedule Group
Unit of Work
5a. Do you want to create the Billing Contracts dataset?
Your Billing Central data is added to the Billing Contracts dataset. This requires access to Billing Central objects and fields in your org. If you want to use the Subscription Bookings dashboard, you must have configured the Opportunity to Contract Integration in Billing Central.
5b. Do you want to include the amount of revenue recognized for billing contract line items?
If you select "Yes", the Contract Line Item Revenue Recognized field is added to the Billing Contracts dataset.
The source of this field is determined using your Revenue Management settings. The source is defined in the Recognized to Date Value field on the settings record for the Billing Contract Line Item object.
This requires access to Revenue Management objects and fields in your org. It also requires access to the field that contains the value on the Billing Contract Line Item object. Both you and the Integration User must have Billing Central and Revenue Management licenses, as well as access to the relevant objects and fields.
5c. Which additional fields from the Contract object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Contract object. These are then added to the Billing Contracts dataset. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
5d. Which additional fields from the Contract Line Item object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Contract Line Item object. These are then added to the Billing Contracts dataset. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
6. How many overdue day ranges do you require for your aged analysis reports?
Reports include a Current column by default, which contains all transactions that are not yet due. For example, the default value is "5" and creates the following age ranges: 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121+. You can change the days in each range on your report.
7. Do you want to create the Recognition Transactions dataset?
Your Revenue Management data is added to the Recognition Transactions dataset. This requires access to Revenue Management objects and fields in your org. If you want to use the Deferred Revenue Reconciliation dashboard you must answer "Yes" in response to Question 7 to create the Billing Documents dataset.
8. Do you want to create the Billing Documents dataset?
Your Billing Central data is added to the Billing Documents dataset. This requires access to Billing Central objects and fields in your org. If you want to use the Deferred Revenue Reconciliation dashboard you must answer "Yes" in response to Question 6 to create the Recognition Transactions dataset.
9a. Do you want to create the Revenue Waterfall dataset?
Your Revenue Management and Billing Central data is added to the Revenue Waterfall dataset. This dataset requires access to Revenue Management and Billing Central objects and fields in your org. If you want to use the Deferred Revenue Waterfall dashboard, you must have configured the Revenue Schedules feature in Revenue Management.
9b. Which additional fields from the Contract object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Contract object. These are then added to the Revenue Waterfall dataset. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
9c. Which additional fields from the Contract Line Item object do you want to import?
You can select one or more additional fields from the Contract Line Item object. These are then added to the Revenue Waterfall dataset. You must assign read access permission to the Integration User to add user-generated additional fields to these datasets. When you import packaged additional fields, they are prefixed with the originating object's name, unless this is already present in the field name. Lookup packaged fields are appended with 'Name', and ID fields are appended with 'ID', unless already present in the field name.
10. Do you want to append your additional field labels with a suffix?
You can choose whether to append your additional fields with a suffix. This suffix indicates that they are additional fields, and the object they are derived from. For example, a custom field "Location" from the Transaction object would have the name "Location [TransCustomField]".
11a. Do you want to create the Supply Chain Management Core dataset?
Your SCM data is added to the Supply Chain Management Core dataset. This requires access to SCM objects and fields in your org. If you want to use the Item Overview, Order Management, and Procurement dashboards you must answer "Yes" in response to Question 9 to create the Supply Chain Management Core dataset.
11b. Do you want to include the amount of revenue recognized and the amount of cost amortized for sales order line items?
If you select "Yes", the Sales Order Line Item Revenue Recognized and Sales Order Line Item Cost Amortized fields are added to the Supply Chain Management Core dataset.
The source of these fields is determined using your Revenue Management settings for the Sales Order Line Item object. The source for Revenue Recognized is defined in the Recognized to Date Value field and the source for Cost Amortized is defined in the Amortized to Date Value field.
This requires access to Revenue Management objects and fields in your org. It also requires access to the fields that contain the values on the Sales Order Line Item object. Both you and the Integration User must have SCM and Revenue Management licenses, as well as access to the relevant objects and fields.
12. Do you want to import Fixed Asset Management data?
This step adds your Fixed Asset Management data to the Financial Transactions and Financial Balances datasets. This requires access to Fixed Asset Management objects and fields in your org.
13. Do you want to import Planning data?
This step adds your Planning data to the Financial Transactions and Financial Balances datasets. This requires integration user has access to Planning objects and fields in your org.
When you run the configuration wizard to create an app, a dataflow is generated. This dataflow is named according to the app name you provide. The following dashboards, datasets, and lenses are generated:
Generated Assets
App Template
Business Analytics
Financial Analytics
Aged Analysis by Date
Aged Analysis by Period
CFO Balance Sheet Detail
CFO Balance Sheet Trend Prediction
CFO Profitability Detail
CFO Profitability Trend Prediction
Deferred Revenue Waterfall
Item Overview
Order Management
Subscription Bookings
Billing Contracts
Billing Documents
Financial Accounts
Financial Balances
Financial Matching
Financial Periods
Financial Transactions
Recognition Transactions
Revenue Waterfall
Supply Chain Management Core
Churn ARR
Churn MRR
Contract Adjustments ARR
Contract Adjustments MRR
Down Sell ARR
Down Sell MRR
Ending ARR
Ending MRR
FBTB011 Trial Balance (Open/Close)
FBTB031 Trial Balance with Adjustments
Localization Financial Statements
Net New ARR
Net New MRR
Renewals ARR
Renewals MRR
Starting ARR
Starting MRR
Unaccounted Error ARR
Unaccounted Error MRR
Upsell ARR
Upsell MRR
Financial Statements
Financial Statements
Aged Analysis by Date
Aged Analysis by Period
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Transaction List
Trial Balance
Financial Accounts
Financial Balances
Financial Matching
Financial Periods
Financial Transactions
FBTB011 Trial Balance (Open/Close)
FBTB031 Trial Balance with Adjustments
Localization Financial Statements
Additionally, if you have enabled and configured Einstein Discovery in your org, the following stories are generated: