Project Reporting Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields
The Project Reporting dataset includes fields derived from the following objects in PSA:
- Budget
- Estimates Versus Actuals
- Expense
- Milestone
- Miscellaneous Adjustment
- Project
- Project Source
- Project Task
- Project Task Assignment
- Resource Request
- Resource Skill Request
- Timecard
- Timecard Split
Fields derived from the following Services CPQ objects are also optionally included in this dataset:
- Estimate
- Estimate Role Request
- Estimate Task
The Project Reporting dataset contains a number of generic fields. These are fields such as Object Type or Description, which are derived from a range of objects. Generic fields enable you to apply a filter such as Type to multiple objects.
Dimension fields from the project object are generic. They are populated across all objects and can be filtered by on all objects. For more information see Object Type.
Some of the fields in this dataset are drillable. When displayed in a dashboard table, these fields can be clicked to access them in your PSA or Services CPQ data environment.
Field Naming Conventions
Fields in this dataset are named according to the following convention, to indicate their source in your data environment: {object}{field name}.
Exceptions to this naming convention are:
- Fields calculated in the dataflow.
- Generic fields derived from two or more objects in your data environment.
Video Tutorials
The following video tutorials demonstrate how to build lenses and dashboards with the Project Reporting dataset.
Building Dashboards with the Project Reporting Dataset
Getting Started with the Project Reporting Dataset
Project Reporting Fields
Key: G — Generic fields; C — Calculated fields; D — Drillable fields
Field Type |
Field |
Description |
Account Billing Country | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Account ID | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Account Industry | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Account Name | G, D |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Account Type | G |
The type of account associated with the project, opportunity or estimate. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Dimension | Approved | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Assignment Location | Location for the assignment. | ||
Billed | G | Indicates whether the budget, milestone, estimate, miscellaneous adjustment, or timecard has been charged to the project or customer. | |
Budget Billed | Indicates whether the budget has been charged to the project or customer. | ||
Budget Status | The status of the Budget. | ||
Budget Type | The type of Budget. | ||
Currency ISO Code | G |
This field identifies the currency ISO code derived from the following objects:
Description | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Est Role Request Estimate Task ID | The identification number of the estimate task the role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Estimate Task Name | The name of the estimate task the role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Group ID | The identification number of the group for which this role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Group Name | The name of the group for which this role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request ID | The identification number of the estimate role request. | ||
Est Role Request Is External Resource | Indicates this estimate role request is for an external resource. | ||
Est Role Request Name | D | The name of this estimate role request. | |
Est Role Request Practice ID | The identification number of the practice for which this role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Practice Name | The name of the practice for which this role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Region ID | The identification number of the region for which this role request is for. | ||
Est Role Request Region Name | The name of the region for which this role request is for. | ||
Estimate (Earliest Created) | The first created estimate row for a given estimate. | ||
Estimate Account ID | The identification number of the account associated with the estimate. | ||
Estimate Account Name | The name of the account associated with the estimate. | ||
Estimate Apply Discount To Cost Contingency | Indicates whether the discount is to be applied to the cost contingency. | ||
Estimate Apply Discount To Expense | Indicates whether the discount is to be applied to the expense. | ||
Estimate Billing Type | Indicates the billing type set for the estimate, for example "Fixed Price". | ||
Estimate Group ID | The identification number of the group that is associated with this estimate. | ||
Estimate Group ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the group. | ||
Estimate Group Level XX | The RPG level of the group related to the estimate, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the estimate. | ||
Estimate ID | The identification number of the estimate. | ||
Estimate Name | The name of the estimate. | ||
Estimate Owner ID | The identification number of the estimate owner. | ||
Estimate Owner Name | The name of the estimate owner. | ||
Estimate Practice ID | The identification number of the practice that is associated with this estimate. | ||
Estimate Practice ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the practice. | ||
Estimate Practice Level XX | The RPG level of the practice related to the estimate, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the estimate. | ||
Estimate Primary | Indicates that this estimate is the primary version for the opportunity. | ||
Estimate Region ID | The identification number of the region that is associated with this estimate. | ||
Estimate Region ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the region. | ||
Estimate Region Level XX | The RPG level of the region related to the estimate, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the estimate. | ||
Estimate Task ID | The identification number of this estimate task. | ||
Estimate Task Name | The name of this estimate task. | ||
EvA Scheduled Bill Rate is Daily Rate | Indicates whether the scheduled bill rate is a daily rate. | ||
EvA Time Period | The time period to which the estimates versus actuals numbers relate. | ||
EvA Time Period Name | The name of the time period. | ||
EvA Time Period Type | The type of time period this time span represents. | ||
Expense Lost Receipt | Enables users to submit expenses without receipt attachments even if receipt attachments are required. | ||
Expense Number | D | The number of the expense record to which the group of receipt attachments belong. | |
Expense Rate Unit | Unit of measurement to use for an expense rate. | ||
Expense Type | The type of expense, such as Business Meals, Car Rental, Taxi. | ||
Has Project | G |
Indicates whether an estimate or resource request record is associated with a project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Include In Financials | G |
Derived from the following objects:
Indicates whether the expense is to be included in the financial roll-up to the project and RPGs. |
Is Milestone Late | C | See Calculated Fields. | |
Is Resource |
Derived from the Resource (Contact) object in the Project Reporting dataset.
Indicates whether this contact is a PSA resource. See Resource Fields in the PSA Help. |
Is Resource Active |
Derived from the Resource (Contact) object in the Project Reporting dataset. Indicates whether this is an active resource that can be assigned to projects. See PSA Resource Fields in the PSA Help. |
Master Project ID | The identification number of the highest project in the hierarchy. | ||
Master Project ID | G |
The identification number of the highest project in the hierarchy. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Master Project Name | G |
The name of the highest project in the hierarchy. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Milestone Billed | Indicates whether the milestone has been charged to the project or customer. | ||
Milestone ID |
The identification number of the Milestone. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Milestone Name | D, G |
The name of the Milestone. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Milestone Status | The status of the Milestone. | ||
Misc Adjustment Approved | Indicates whether the miscellaneous adjustment is approved. | ||
Misc Adjustment Billed | Indicates whether the miscellaneous adjustment has been charged to the project or customer. | ||
Misc Adjustment Description | Description of the transaction. | ||
Misc Adjustment Invoiced | Indicates the miscellaneous adjustment has been invoiced. | ||
Misc Adjustment Name | Name of the miscellaneous adjustment. | ||
Misc Adjustment Status | Approval status of the miscellaneous adjustment. | ||
Misc Adjustment Transaction Category | Transaction category to which the miscellaneous adjustment applies. | ||
Misc Adjustment Vendor Account | Vendor account to which the miscellaneous adjustment applies. | ||
Name | D, G |
Derived from the following objects:
Object Type | G |
The project reporting type. Available options are:
Opportunity Account Billing Country | G | The billing country of the account associated with the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Account Industry | G | The industry specified for the account associated with the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Account Name | G | The name of the account associated with the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Account Type | G | The type of account associated with the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity ID | G |
Identification number of the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Name | G, D |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Owner ID | G |
The identification number of the owner of the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Owner Name | G |
The name of the owner of the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Opportunity Stage | G | The stage of the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Parent Project ID | G | The identification number of the project in the next level up in the project hierarchy. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Parent Project Name | D, G | The name of the project in the next level up in the project hierarchy. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Allow Expenses Without Assignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards and expenses without the resource requiring an assignment. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Allow Self-Staffing | G | Indicates whether resources have permission to create their own assignments for the project. This overrides the staffing permission controls for the project or resource. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Allow Timecards Without Assignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards and expenses without the resource requiring an assignment. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Billable | Indicates if the project is billable to a customer. | ||
Project Billing Type | The type of billing, such as Fixed Price or Time and Materials. | ||
Project Closed for Expense Entry | G | Indicates whether this project is closed for expense entry. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Closed for Time Entry | G | Indicates whether this project is closed for timecard entry. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Company ID | G | Lookup to the related Foundations company. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Company Name | G | The name of the related Foundations company. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Currency Exchange Rate | C, G |
See Calculated Fields for more information on the objects from which this field is derived. |
Project Currency ISO Code | G | When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Display ID | G | The unique "PR-{000000}" field displayed on a Project record. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Engagement ID | G |
The identification number of the Engagement associated with this project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Group ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the group related to the estimate associated with the project. | |
Project Estimate Group Name | G | The name of the group associated with the estimate associated with the project. | |
Project Estimate Group Name XX | G | The RPG level of the group related to the estimate associated with the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the estimate associated with the project. | |
Project Estimate ID | G | The identification number of the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Name | G | The name of the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Owner ID | G | The identification number of the owner of the estimate from which the project originated. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Owner Name | G | The name of the owner of the estimate from which the project originated. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Practice ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the practice related to the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Practice Name | G | The name of the practice associated with the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Practice Name XX | G | The RPG level of the practice related to the estimate associated with the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Region ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the region related to the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Region Name | G | The name of the region associated with the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Estimate Region Name XX | G | The RPG level of the region related to the estimate associated with the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the estimate associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Financial Status | G | Indicates the current financial status of a project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project Group ID | G | The identification number of the group related to the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project Group ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the group. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project Group Name | G | The name of the group derived from the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project Hierarchy Depth | The project's level within the project hierarchy. | ||
Project ID | G | Unique project identifier assigned by the system. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project ID Chain | ID for system-generated chain for linking to the project. | ||
Project Is Active | G | Indicates whether this project is active. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset
Project Is Template | G | Indicates whether this project is a template. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Location | G | The location of the project. | |
Project Manager ID | G |
The identification number of the contact associated with the project.
Project Manager Name | D, G |
The name of the contact associated with the project.
Project Name | D, G | The name of the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Name Chain | G | Name of system-generated chain for linking to the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Account Industry | G |
The industry specified for the account associated with the opportunity associated with the project.
Project Opportunity Account Name | G |
The name of the account associated with the opportunity associated with the project.
Project Opportunity Account Type | G | The type of account associated with the opportunity associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity ID | G | The identification number of the opportunity associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Name | G | The name of the opportunity associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Owner ID | G | The identification number of the contact who owns the related opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Owner Name | G | The name of the contact who owns the related opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Stage | G | The stage of the related opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Phase | G |
Current phase of the project.
Project Practice ID | G | The identification number of the practice to which the project actuals roll up to. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Practice ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the Practice. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Practice Name | G | The name of the practice associated with the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Pre-Bill Type | G | The type of pre-billing selected for the project. This indicates whether the customer has been pre-billed for a part of the budget or all of it. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Recognition Method | G |
Recognition method to apply to this record for Revenue Forecasting. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Region ID | G | Lookup to the related region to which the project actuals roll up to. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Region ID Chain | G | System-generated chain for linking to the region. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Region Name | G | The name of the related region to which the project actuals roll up to. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Schedule Status | G | Indicates whether the project is on schedule. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Scope Status | G | Indicates the current scope status. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Source Project Template ID | The identification number of the project template on which the project is based. | ||
Project Source Project Template Name | The name of the project template on which the project is based. | ||
Project Stage | The current stage of the project. | ||
Project Status | G | Indicates the status of the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Task Assigned Resources | System generated list of assigned resources. The list is generated from the project task assignment. | ||
Project Task Blocked | Indicates whether the task is blocked. | ||
Project Task Completed | Indicates whether the task is completed. | ||
Project Task Description | Description of the project task. | ||
Project Task Duration Units | Specifies the units of time used for project tasks. | ||
Project Task Name | G |
The name of the task.
Project Task Name Chain | List of parent task names up to the top-level task. | ||
Project Task Name | The name representing the project task and its children if applicable. | ||
Project Task Parent Task ID | The identification number of the parent task associated with the project task. | ||
Project Task Priority | The current priority of the task. | ||
Project Task Started | Indicates whether the task has been started. | ||
Project Task Status | The status of the project task. | ||
Project Time Credited | G | Indicates whether non-billable time are to be credited for utilization. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Time Excluded | G | Indicates whether non-billable time are to neither count for nor against utilization. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Time Period Name | G | The name of the Time Period associated with the Project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Time Period Type | G | The type of Time Period associated with the Project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Time Zone | G | The project's time zone. All project task start and end times use this time zone. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Type | G | Classification of the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
PTA Assignment ID | The identification number of the assignment related to the project task assignment. | ||
PTA External Resource ID | The identification number of the external resource assigned to the project task. | ||
PTA ID | The identification number of the project task assignment. | ||
PTA Name | The name of the project task assignment. | ||
PTA Project Task ID | The identification number of the project task associated with the project task assignment. | ||
PTA Project Task Name | The name of the project task associated with the project task assignment. | ||
PTA Resource ID | The identification number of the resource associated with the project task. | ||
PTA Resource Name | The name of the resource associated with the project task assignment. | ||
PTA Resource Request ID | The identification number of the resource request associated with the project task. | ||
PTA Resource Request Name | The name of the resource request associated with the project task. | ||
PTA Resource Role | The resource role associated with the project task. | ||
Record ID | G | The unique identifier for every record derived from every object used in the Project Reporting dataset. | |
Resource Department | The department the resource belongs to. | ||
Resource External | Indicates whether the resource is external. | ||
Resource Group ID | Lookup to the group related to the resource. | ||
Resource Group ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the group. | ||
Resource Group Name | The name of the group related to the resource. | ||
Resource ID | The identification number of the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing City | The mailing city portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing Country | The mailing country portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing State | The mailing state portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Name | D, G | The name of the resource. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Resource Practice ID | Lookup to the practice associated with the resource. | ||
Resource Practice ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the practice. | ||
Resource Practice Name | The name of the practice associated with the resource. | ||
Resource Region ID | Lookup to the region associated with the resource. | ||
Resource Region ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the region. | ||
Resource Region Name | The name of the region associated with the resource. | ||
Resource Request Minimum Rating | The minimum level of exposure or ability the requested resource must have in the requested skill or certification. | ||
Resource Request Assignment ID | The ID of the assignment to which the resource request relates. | ||
Resource Request Assignment Name | The name of the assignment to which the resource request relates. | ||
Resource Request Excluded | Indicates whether the resource request is excluded from utilization calculations. | ||
Resource Request Group ID | The ID of the group to which the resource request relates. | ||
Resource Request Group ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the RPG ID related to the Resource Request. | ||
Resource Request Group Name Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the RPG ID related to the Resource Request. | ||
Resource Request Group Name XX | The RPG level of the group related to the Resource Request, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Name | The name of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Opportunity ID | The ID of the opportunity related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Opportunity Name | The name of the opportunity related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Opportunity Owner ID | The identification number of the owner of the opportunity related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Opportunity Stage | The name of the stage of the opportunity related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Owner ID | The ID of the owner of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Owner Name | The name of the owner of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Practice ID | The ID of the practice related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Practice ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the practice. | ||
Resource Request Practice Name | The name of the practice related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Primary Skill ID | The ID of the primary skill or certification of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Primary Skill Name | Name of the skill or certification to add to the request, such as "Java" or "Project Management". | ||
Resource Request Priority | Priority of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Region ID | The ID of the region related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Region ID Chain | System-generated chain for linking to the region. | ||
Resource Request Region Name | The name of a specific resource that you want to use. | ||
Resource Request Resource | G | The name of the resource related to the resource request. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Resource Request Resource Held | Indicates whether the resource is to be reserved for this resource request. | ||
Resource Request Resource ID | The ID of the resource related to the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Role | The role of the requested resource. | ||
Resource Request Skills |
The skill/certification from the resource skill request associated with the resource request. |
Resource Request Status | Status of the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Suggested Resource ID | The ID of the specific resource that you want to use. | ||
Resource Request Suggested Resource Name | Name of a specific resource that you want to use. | ||
Resource Role | The role assigned to the resource. | ||
Resource Work Calendar | The identification number of the resource's work calendar. | ||
Salesforce Resource User ID | The identification number of the Salesforce user. | ||
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL | Defines a URL — absolute or relative— that points to the image to use for a resource. | ||
Salesforce Resource Username | The username assigned to the resource. | ||
Status | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Timecard Billable | Indicates whether the hours on the timecard can be charged to a customer. | ||
Timecard Billed | Indicates whether the timecard has been charged to the project or customer. | ||
Timecard Status | The current status of the timecard. | ||
Measure | Assignment Billable Amount | D | Number of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment. |
Assignment Billable Days in Financials | Number of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment. | ||
Assignment Billable Hours in Financials | Number of billable hours the resource logged against the assignment. | ||
Assignment Non-Billable Days in Financials | Number of non-billable days the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals. | ||
Assignment Non-Billable Hours in Financials | Number of non-billable hours the resource logged against the assignment, which you can view in the project and RPG actuals. | ||
Assignment Planned Bill Rate | The bill rate used during the planning activities for an assignment to assess potential value. | ||
Assignment Planned Hours | Number of hours originally planned for the assignment. | ||
Assignment Planned Revenue (Hours) | C, D | See Calculated Fields. | |
Assignment Scheduled Days | The total number of hours scheduled for the assignment. | ||
Assignment Scheduled Hours | The total number of hours scheduled for the assignment. | ||
Budget Amount | D | Amount of budget. | |
Est Role Request Hours | The number of hours the resource role will be required for. | ||
Est Role Request Average Cost Rate | The average cost rate on this role request's associated rate card. | ||
Est Role Request Requested Bill Rate | The requested bill rate for this role request with any discounts applied. | ||
Est Role Request Bill Rate Override | The amount to override the bill rate on the rate card associated with this role request by. | ||
Est Role Request Cost Rate Override | The amount to override the cost rate on the rate card associated with this role request by. | ||
Est Role Request Suggested Bill Rate | The suggested bill rate on this role request's associated rate card. | ||
Estimate Amount | The total amount for this estimate before discounts are applied. | ||
Estimate Cost Contingency | The cost contingency amount to add to the total amount and cost for this estimate. | ||
Estimate Cost | The total cost of this estimate. | ||
Estimate Discount (%) | The discount of estimate tasks as a percentage of the total amount. | ||
Estimate Discount (Amount) | The total value of discounts applied to this estimate's tasks. | ||
Estimate Duration (Days) | The duration of the estimate in days. | ||
Estimate Expense (Amount) | The expenses to add to the total amount and cost for the estimate. | ||
Estimate Global Discount (%) | The percentage to discount from the total amount for this estimate. | ||
Estimate Global Discount (Amount) | The amount to discount from the total amount for this estimate. | ||
Estimate Margin (%) | The margin as a percentage of the total amount. | ||
Estimate Margin (Amount) | The difference between the amount and cost for this estimate. | ||
Estimate Net Amount | The total amount for this estimate after discounts are applied. | ||
Estimate Opportunity Probability (%) | The probability of the opportunity associated with the estimate, expressed as a percentage. | ||
Estimate Task Bill Amount | The total amount for this estimate task before discounts are applied. | ||
Estimate Task Cost Amount | The total cost of this estimate task. | ||
Estimate Task Margin | The difference between the bill amount and cost amount for this estimate task. | ||
Estimate Task Net Bill Amount | The total amount for this estimate task after discounts are applied. | ||
Est Role Request Discount (%) | The percentage discount applied to the bill rate of this role request. | ||
Estimate Task Discount (%) | The discount of estimate tasks as a percentage of the total amount. | ||
Estimate Task Peer Order | Internal use only. | ||
EvA Actual Average Bill Rate | D | Timecard Billable Amount divided by Actual Hours or Actual Days. | |
EvA Actual Billable Amount | D | The billable amount calculated from the resource's timecards. | |
EvA Actual Days | Actual number of days worked during the time period | ||
EvA Actual Hours | Actual number of working hours entered on timecards. | ||
EvA Days Percent Variance | Percentage variation between the estimated and actual days. The formula for the calculation is: (Actual Days – Estimated Days) / Estimated Days. | ||
EvA Days Variance | Difference between the estimated and actual days. The formula for the calculation is: Actual Days – Estimated Days. | ||
EvA Estimated Days | Number of days scheduled for work during the time period. | ||
EvA Estimated Hours | Number of hours scheduled for work during the time period. | ||
EvA Hours Percent Variance | Percentage variation between the estimated and actual hours. The formula for the calculation is: (Actual Hours – Estimated Hours) / Estimated Hours. | ||
EvA Hours Variance | Difference between the estimated and actual hours. The formula for the calculation is: Actual Hours – Estimated Hours. | ||
EvA Scheduled Amount | C, D | See Calculated Fields. | |
EvA Scheduled Bill Rate | D | The assignment bill rate multiplied by the estimated hours shown on the Estimates Versus Actuals page, or multiplied by the estimated days if a daily bill rate is in use. | |
Expense Billing Amount | D | Amount to bill the customer. | |
Expense Distance | Distance traveled for auto mileage reimbursement. | ||
Expense Reimbursement Amount | Expense amount to reimburse the resource. | ||
Milestone Amount | D | Amount to be billed for achievement of this milestone. | |
Milestone Billable Amount in Financials | D | Currency value of billable hours logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals. | |
Milestone Billable Days in Financials | Number of billable days logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals. | ||
Milestone Billable Expenses in Financials | D | Pass-through billable expenses logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals. | |
Milestone Billable Hours in Financials | Number of billable hours logged against the milestone that can be viewed in project and RPG actuals. | ||
Milestone Cost | Estimated cost of the milestone, based on resource cost. | ||
Milestone Days Late | C | See Calculated Fields. | |
Milestone Default Bill Rate | D | Bill Rate to be copied to child timecards when PSA is configured to do so. | |
Milestone Planned Hours | Total number of planned hours from all resources for this milestone. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones | ||
Misc Adjustment Amount | D | Amount for the internal adjustment. | |
Project Account Annual Revenue | Estimated annual revenue of the account associated with the project. | ||
Project Account Number Of Employees | Number of employees working at the company represented by this account. | ||
Project Billed Amount | Sum of billed amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to billed revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to billed and invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | ||
Project Billings | Sum of billed amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to billed revenue after they are billed or invoiced. Milestones contribute to billed and invoiced revenue after they are billed or invoiced. | ||
Project Bookings | Booked revenue for this project. Budgets of type Customer PO and Customer PO Change Order contribute to bookings. | ||
Project Cost Amortized | C |
Cost amortized to date for the project. This is only populated when amortizing costs at the project level, as opposed to amortizing costs at the milestone, timecard, or expense level. This value is populated from the field specified in the Amortized to Date Value field on the Revenue Management settings record for the Project object. |
Project Credited Hours | Hours taken from timecards where the project has Time Credited selected. | ||
Project Duration (Days) | The duration of the project in days. | ||
Project Estimated Hours at Completion | An estimate of the total hours to be spent on a project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours plus Scheduled Hours Remaining. | ||
Project Expense Budget | Sum of expense budgets for the project. The Expense Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Customer PO, Customer PO Change Order, Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | ||
Project Expense Costs | Sum of approved expenses in expense reports, whether billable or not. | ||
Project External Costs | Sum of external costs, whether billable or not. | ||
Project External Time Cost | of the aggregated cost calculation for external resources in scheduled project backlog. | ||
Project Group Level XX | G | The RPG level of the group related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the contact. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Internal Budget | Sum of internal budgets for the project. The Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | ||
Project Internal Costs | Sum of internal costs, whether billable or not. Internal costs are only for resources that are not marked as External. They are calculated using this formula: Approved timecard hours * Cost rate | ||
Project Internal Time Cost | of the aggregated cost calculation for internal resources in scheduled project backlog. | ||
Project Invoiced Amount | Sum of invoiced amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | ||
Project Margin Amount | Billings minus Total Costs. | ||
Project Milestone Cost | Taken from the Milestone Cost value recorded on the corresponding milestone record. | ||
Project Other Costs | Any other project costs, such as material or capital costs incurred on the project. | ||
Project Pass-Through Billings | Sum of pass-through billings, including expenses. | ||
Project Percent Hours Complete | The percentage of hours already completed on the project. Calculated using Total Submitted Hours divided by Estimated Hours at Completion multiplied by 100. | ||
Project Practice Level XX | G | The RPG level of the practice related to the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Pre-Billed | Amount already billed for the project. | ||
Project Record Type | Derived from the Record ID on the Project object. Used to distinguish projects from estimates and playbooks. | ||
Project Region Level XX | G | The RPG level of the region related to the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Revenue | Revenue is not calculated or rolled up. A miscellaneous adjustment is used to show revenue on the project actuals. | ||
Project Revenue Recognized | C |
Revenue recognized to date for the project. This is only populated when recognizing revenue at the project level, as opposed to recognizing revenue at the milestone, timecard, or expense level. This value is populated from the field specified in the Recognized To Date Value field on the Revenue Management settings record for the Project object. |
Project Scheduled Hours Remaining | The number of hours not yet spent on a project. Calculated using assignments whose end date comes after the Hours Cut Off Date and takes into account scheduled hours and schedule exceptions. | ||
Project Task Actual Hours | Hours spent on this task. | ||
PTA Allocation Percentage | The percentage resource and/or role allocation of the task's estimated hours. | ||
PTA Hours | The number of scheduled hours. | ||
Project Task Estimated Hours | The estimated number of hours for the project task. | ||
Project Task Estimated Time To Completion | Estimated time required to complete the project task. | ||
Project Task Hierarchy Depth | Number of parent tasks to the top-level task. | ||
Project Task Hours Remaining | The estimated number of hours remaining to complete this task. | ||
Project Task Peer Order | Internal use only. | ||
Project Task Percent Complete (Hours) | Formula field. When the Estimated Time To Completion (Task) field is not set, the calculation is Actual Hours divided by Estimated Hours multiplied by 100. When the Estimated Time To Completion (Task) field is set with a value, the formula is calculated differently. This calculation is from Actual Hours divided by the sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task) multiplied by 100. | ||
Project Task Percent Complete (Points) | The total number of completed project task points divided by total number of project task points related to this one. This includes child tasks. This field updates as the project is completed. | ||
Project Task Percent Complete (Tasks) | The total number of completed project tasks divided by total number of project tasks related to this one. This includes child tasks. This field updates as the project is completed. | ||
Project Task Points Baseline | Points allocated to the task. | ||
Project Task Points Complete | Indicates the number of project task points that are completed. | ||
Project Task Points Remaining | Indicates the number of project task points that are yet to be completed. | ||
Project Task Points | The burn-down points. For example, you can assign a complex task a higher number of points than a simpler one. | ||
Project Task Projected Hours | The sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task). When Estimated Time to Completion (Task) is not set, the Projected Hours value uses and displays the value of the Estimated Hours field. | ||
Project Task WBS Element Number | An identifier you can use to link the task to an external task management system. | ||
Project Tasks Total Percent Complete (Points) | Percentage of project tasks that are complete based on task points. | ||
Project Tasks Total Points | Total of points on all project tasks. | ||
Project Tasks Total Points Complete | Total of points on completed project tasks. | ||
Project Total Assigned Hours | Total number of hours from project assignments. | ||
Project Total Cost Amortized | C |
Cost amortized to date for the project. This is only populated when amortizing costs for individual business records linked to the project, for example, for its milestones, timecards, or expenses. This value is a sum of the amortized to date values from the lower-level business records. This field is not populated if you amortize costs at the project level. This value is populated from the field specified in the Total Amortized to Date Value field on the Revenue Management settings record for the Project object. |
Project Total Costs | Total costs from all projects in the project hierarchy. | ||
Project Total Number of Tasks | Total number of project tasks. | ||
Project Total Revenue Recognized | C |
Revenue recognized to date for the project. This is only populated when recognizing revenue for individual business records linked to the project, for example, for its milestones, timecards, or expenses. This value is a sum of the recognized to date values from the lower-level business records. This field is not populated if you recognize revenue at the project level. This value is populated from the field specified in the Total Recognized to Date Value field on the Revenue Management settings record for the Project object. |
Project Total Submitted Hours | The number of hours spent on a project. Calculated using the total hours on submitted or approved timecards, when the Assignment lookup is not blank and the end date is before or the same as the date in the Hours Cut Off Date field. | ||
Project Unscheduled Backlog | Value of the unscheduled backlog. This field only applies to perpetual time periods, usually all time periods. This is the remainder of project budget bookings that have not yet been allocated to actuals or to milestones or assignments. This is the budget minus actuals billings and scheduled milestone and time backlog. These might be in different time periods, so only the unscheduled backlog for the All Time Periods calculation for is usable. | ||
Project Variance at Completion | The difference between the original number of planned project hours and the Estimated Hours at Completion. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Estimated Hours at Completion. | ||
Project Variance from Plan | The difference between the number of planned project hours and the number of submitted or approved timecard hours. Calculated using Planned Hours on a project minus Total Submitted Hours. | ||
Resource Group Level XX | The RPG level of the group related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the contact. | ||
Resource Practice Level XX | The RPG level of the practice related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the contact. | ||
Resource Region Level XX | The RPG level of the region related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the contact. | ||
Resource Request Opp Probability (%) | C | The probability of the opportunity related to the resource request, expressed as a percentage. See Calculated Fields. | |
Resource Request Requested Hours | Estimated number of hours for the resource. | ||
Resource Request Weighted Requested Hours | C | The hours on the resource request weighted by opportunity probability. See Calculated Fields. | |
Time to Close (Days) | C | This field is calculated by subtracting the date on which the first estimate was created from the date on which the opportunity was closed. | |
Timecard Total Billable Amount | D | Total amount to be billed to the customer. | |
Timecard Total Cost | D | Total cost incurred for the hours on the timecard split. | |
Timecard Total Days Worked | Total number of days worked based on the number of hours entered on each day of the timecard. | ||
Timecard Total Hours | Total hours for the timecard line. | ||
Date | Assignment End Date | End date of the assignment schedule. | |
Assignment Start Date | Start date of the assignment schedule | ||
Billing Date | G |
This field is derived from the following objects in PSA:
Budget Bill Date | Bill date for the budget. | ||
Budget Effective Date | Date this budget becomes effective. | ||
End Date | G |
Derived from the from the following objects:
See Calculated Fields for more information on how this field is calculated on the Milestone object. |
Est Role Request End Date | The date this estimate role request ends. | ||
Est Role Request Start Date | The date this estimate task starts. | ||
Estimate Created Date | The date on which the estimate was created. | ||
Estimate End Date | The end date of the estimate. | ||
Estimate Start Date | The start date of the estimate. | ||
Estimate Task End Date | The date this estimate task ends. | ||
Estimate Task Start Date | The date this estimate task starts. | ||
EvA End Date | The end date of the time period of the report. | ||
EvA Start Date | The start date of the time period of the report. | ||
EvA Time Period End Date | The end date of the time period to which the estimates versus actuals numbers relate. | ||
Eva Time Period Start Date | The start date of the time period to which the estimates versus actuals numbers relate. | ||
Expense Date | Date of the expense. | ||
Milestone Actual Date | Actual date of completion. | ||
Milestone Bill Date | Bill date for the milestone. | ||
Milestone Target Date | Target date for completion of the milestone. | ||
Misc Adjustment Bill Date | Bill date for the miscellaneous adjustment. | ||
Misc Adjustment Bill Date | Bill date for the miscellaneous adjustment. | ||
Misc Adjustment Effective Date | Date to which the adjustment applies from. | ||
Misc Adjustment Invoice Date | The date of the invoice. | ||
Opportunity Close Date | G | The close date of the opportunity. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project End Date | G | Date the project ends. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Opportunity Close Date | G | The close date of the opportunity related to the project. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Start Date | G | Date the project starts. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Task Actual End Date | Date of when the task actually ended. | ||
Project Task Actual Start Date | Date of when the task actually started. | ||
Project Task Assignment End Date | The end date of the project task assignment. | ||
Project Task Assignment Start Date | The start date of the project task assignment. | ||
Project Task End Date | The end date of the project task. | ||
Project Task Parent Task End Date | The end date of the parent task associated with the project task. | ||
Project Task Parent Task Start Date | The start date of the parent task associated with the project task. | ||
Project Task Start Date | The date on which work for this task is projected to start. | ||
Project Time Period End Date | G | The end date of the time period to which the project relates. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Project Time Period Start Date | G | The start date of the time period to which the project relates. This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Resource Last Date | The last date of employment for the resource. | ||
Resource Request End Date | The estimated end date for the resource request. | ||
Resource Request Start Date | The estimated start date for the Resource Request. | ||
Resource Start Date | The date that the resource commenced employment. | ||
Start Date | G |
This field is derived from the following object types in the Project Reporting dataset:
Time Period End Date | Exact End Date of the time period. | ||
Timecard Bill Date | The date the timecard split was charged to the project or customer. | ||
Timecard End Date | End date for the week that the timecard covers. | ||
Timecard Start Date | Start date for the week that the timecard covers. |
Default Fields
Where no value is available for the following fields, "N/A" is displayed in the lenses or dashboards in which they occur:
- Assignment Location
- Budget Status
- Budget Type
- EvA Time Period Name
- EvA Time Period Type
- Expense Number
- Expense Rate Unit
- Expense Type
- Is Resource
- Is Resource Active
- Milestone Name
- Milestone Status
- Misc Adjustment Approved
- Misc Adjustment Bill Date
- Misc Adjustment Description
- Misc Adjustment Effective Date
- Misc Adjustment Invoice Date
- Misc Adjustment Invoiced
- Misc Adjustment Name
- Misc Adjustment Status
- Misc Adjustment Transaction Category
- Misc Adjustment Vendor Account
- Resource Department
- Resource External
- Resource Group Name
- Resource Name
- Resource Practice Name
- Resource Region Name
- Resource Role
- Resource Work Calendar
- Timecard Billable
- Timecard Status