PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard displays data from the Billings dataset.

This dashboard is created using the PSA Core Analytics app.


The functionality of this dashboard depends on the PSA Analytics template you create it with. If you create this dashboard using the PSA Core Analytics app template, then it displays scheduled data only.

This dashboard enables you to:

Note: The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard displays data for the following budget types and their respective change requests: The change request for each of these types are additive towards the total cumulative budget. For example, the budget for a project is 50,000 USD and the budget type is "Customer Purchase Order", if you add a "Customer Purchase Order Change Request" for 10,000 USD the total cumulative value for the budget of that project is displayed as 60,000 USD in this dashboard.

For more details of the fields used by the PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard, see Billings Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields.

PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard Charts

The charts in this dashboard group the estimates vs actuals (EVAs) data from the billings dataset using their related time period type. By default the dashboard gives preference to the month time period type, and if this is not available it uses the following priority:

  1. Month (Default)
  2. Week
  3. Quarter
  4. Year
  5. Other

The PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard contains the following charts:

Project Burnup Plus Charts





Project Overview Stacked Bar

Displays the sum and breakdown of the overall status of the project. Click the Billings and Hours tab to switch the type of data displayed.

These KPIs display scheduled data that correspond to the records that have a scheduled end date ahead of the current date. The current date is derived by the date of the most recent actual record.

This chart also displays a visual cue on the predicted burn-through dateClosed The burn-through date is represented in the Project Burnup dashboard as the point in time where the predicted billings surpass the assigned budget for the project, or when the predicted hours surpass the planned hours for the project. for the selected project.

Project Trend Prediction

Note: This chart is labeled "Project Trend" in the version of the PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard created with the PSA Core Analytics app.


Displays the cumulative amount of billings or hours for a project and its relation with the allocated budget or planned hours. This chart only displays data for those records that are marked as billed in PSA.

This chart uses the timeseries algorithm to predict a trend in the data. It takes into account the sum of actual and scheduled billings or hours to make the prediction and begins plotting the predicted trend after the last scheduled billings or scheduled hours datapoint.

Distribution Column Displays the billings or hours for the project by type.

For more information about dashboard functionality, see Using the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard.

Project Burnup Plus (Embedded)

PSA Analytics contains a version of PSA Project Burnup Plus dashboard optimized to be embedded in the page layout for your projects in Lightning Experience.

This dashboard is created using the PSA Advanced Analytics app.

While the data model remains the same in both versions of the dashboard, some features of the Project Burnup Plus (Embedded) are different from the Analytics Studio version:

For more information on how to embed the PSA Project Burnup Plus Dashboard, see Embedding PSA Analytics Dashboards in a Lightning Page.