Protecting Contract Line Fields from Edits When a Contract Is Active

If your version of Billing Central is an upgrade rather than a new installation, required fields added to the Billing Contract Line Item object in recent versions might not have been included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set. This field set is used by Billing Central to protect contract line fields from being edited once a contract is active. The majority of fields on a contract line should only be modified via a change request, although Billing Central also prevents some fields being edited once a line has been billed.

Check the list below and if any required fields are not already included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set used by the Billing Contract Line Item object, edit the field set and add them manually.

Required Fields

The following fields must be included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set:

Optional Fields

Depending on your business process, you might also want to include the following packaged fields (and any custom fields) in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set: