Setting up Tax Calculation Using FinancialForce

To calculate tax on billing documents using FinancialForce, the following must be set up:

  1. Tax codes and tax rates. For more information, see Creating a Tax Code in the Foundations Help.
  2. Company tax information. For more information, see Creating Company Tax Information and Company Fields in the Foundations Help.
  3. Account tax information. For more information, see Account Fields in the Foundations Help.
  4. Product tax information. For more information, see Product Fields in the Foundations Help.

You can set up Billing Central to calculate tax automatically using FinancialForce. For more information, see Setting up the Automation of Billing Central Processes.

When you calculate tax on a billing document with FinancialForce, any existing tax codes on billing document lines are removed and replaced with up to three tax codes, for example for state, county, and city taxes.

For information about how FinancialForce determines which tax codes to use, see  How FinancialForce selects Tax Codes in the Foundations Help.