Using the Task Manager

The Task Manager enables you to view, edit and add playbook tasks in a list, scheduler, or kanban view. Your view is retained each time you use the Task Manager component on the same computer, using the same browser.

Your administrator can configure the fields that are displayed in the Task Manager component. For more information, see Playbook Task Field Sets.


When using the Task Manager component in PSA, The Team Member field is named Assigned Resources and you cannot create or delete tasks. All of the fields are read only, except the status and flagged fields, which can be updated subject to user permissions.


In the list and scheduler views, you can right-click a column header to display grouping and sorting actions.

In the list and kanban views, you can hover over the team member cell to view a list of all assigned team members.

When assigning team members to a task, you can search by name or role.

Using the List View

The list view displays your team's playbook tasks in an editable table. To change to the list view, depending on the view you're currently in, click or , then List.

To refresh the data displayed, click .


To select multiple tasks, hold down Command (Mac), Ctrl (PC) while selecting the tasks.

Adding a Task

To add a new task:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the Enter a task name... cell at the bottom of the table in the Playbook Task Name column, then search for or select a playbook from the drop-down list.
    • To insert a new task in a specific position in the grid, select the task you want the new task to display below, then click . A new task row appears. Enter a playbook task name and search for or select a playbook.
    • Click to add a new task row to the top of the grid. A new task row appears. Enter a Playbook Task Name.
  2. [Optional] Populate the remaining fields with the task information. If you leave a field blank, its default value is applied when available. You must search for and select any non-team members you want to assign to a task. Only a list of assigned resources displays in the Team Members picklist before searching.

If the project has a start date, the task’s start date must be on or after the project’s start date. Similarly, the task’s end date must be before or on the project's end date. When the task start date is the same as the project end date, the task end date defaults to the project end date.

To search team members, enter one character to search the assigned list. To view and assign non-team members to a task, type two or more characters of their name or role into the Team Members search box.

If you select a team member from the Select New Team Member section, they are automatically added to the playbook team when the task is saved.

An email is sent to the selected team members, notifying them that they have been assigned to a task.

The last specified sort order of the tasks is retained using local storage and displays when accessing the component using the same browser, on the same computer.

Editing a Task

To edit a task, double-click the relevant cell to edit it.

Flagging a Task

You can flag a task to indicate to all users that a task requires attention. If a task is flagged, a is displayed on the row.

To flag a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to flag.
  2. Click .

To remove a flag from a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to remove the flag from.
  2. Click .

You can add or remove flags from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are flagged and some that aren't, clicking flags them all.

The button is disabled if you do not have permission to flag a task. Contact your administrator.

Pinning a Task

You can pin a task as a personal reminder that it requires further attention. If a task is pinned, a is displayed on the row. Pinned tasks automatically sort to the top of the grid.

To pin a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to pin.
  2. Click .

To remove a pin from a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to remove the pin from.
  2. Click .

You can add or remove pins from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are pinned and some that aren't, clicking pins them all.

Pinning is not available when using CS Cloud components in PSA.

Pinned tasks are retained using local storage and will display each time you access the components on the same computer, using the same browser.

When you remove the pin from a task, the task moves back to the position dictated by the applied sorting filter.

Deleting a Task

To delete a task:

  1. Select the task you want to delete.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Delete.

The button is disabled if you do not have permissions to delete a playbook task. Contact your administrator.

Using the Scheduler View

The scheduler view displays your playbook's tasks in a timeline. To change to the scheduler view, depending on the view you're currently in, click or , then Scheduler.

You can change the scheduler view by selecting one of the following: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. To return to today's date, click Today.

To refresh the data displayed, click .


To select multiple tasks, hold down Command (Mac), Ctrl (PC) while selecting the tasks.

Adding a Task

To add a new task:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the row of the relevant team member, double-click within the cell of the day you want your task to start on.
    • On the row of the relevant team member, right-click within the cell of the day you want your task to start on, then click Add task. The Edit Task window opens.
  2. Enter a playbook task name and ensure that the information in the pre-populated fields is correct. You must search for and select any non-team members you want to assign to a task. Only a list of assigned resources displays in the Team Members picklist before searching.
  3. Click Save. An email is sent to the selected team members, notifying them that they have been assigned to a task.

When a task has no start and end date, it does not display in the scheduler.

To search team members, enter one character to search the assigned list. To view and assign non-team members to a task, type two or more characters of their name or role into the Team Members search box.

If you select a team member from the Select New Team Member section, they are automatically added to the playbook team when the task is saved.

You can only use the button to add a new task row when using the List view.

Editing a Task

To edit a task, do one of the following:

Flagging a Task

You can flag a task to indicate to all users that a task requires attention. If a task is flagged, a is displayed on the task.

To flag a task, do one of the following:

To remove a flag from a task, do one of the following:


You can add or remove flags from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are flagged and some that aren't, clicking flags them all.

The button is disabled if you do not have permission to flag a task. Contact your administrator.

Pinning a Task

You can pin a task as a personal reminder that it requires further attention. If a task is pinned, a is displayed on the task. To maintain the chronological order of the scheduled tasks, pinned tasks are not sorted to the top of the scheduler view.

To pin a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to pin.
  2. Click .

To remove a pin from a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to remove the pin from.
  2. Click .

You can add or remove pins from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are pinned and some that aren't, clicking pins them all.

Pinning is not available when using CS Cloud components in PSA.

Pinned tasks are retained using local storage and will display each time you access the components on the same computer, using the same browser.

Deleting a Task

To delete a task, do one of the following:


To edit the start and end dates of a task, drag-and-drop the task on the new start or end date. You can also change the duration of a task by hovering over the start or end of the task and stretching the bar to the new start or end date.

To reassign a task to another team member, drag-and-drop the task on the row of the new team member.


The button is disabled if you do not have permissions to delete a playbook task. Contact your administrator.

Using the Kanban View

The kanban view displays your tasks in columns according to their status. The column headings are determined by the values in the Status field on the task. To change to the scheduler view from the list view, depending on the view you're currently in, click or , then Kanban.

To refresh the data displayed, click .


To select multiple tasks in the Kanban view, do one of the following:

Adding a Task

To add a new task:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click at the top of the column of the status you want the new task to have, then click Add task. The Edit Task window opens.
    • Click at the bottom of the column of the status you want the new task to have. The Edit Task window opens.
  2. Enter a playbook task name.
  3. Populate the remaining fields. You must search for and select any non-team members you want to assign to a task. Only a list of assigned resources displays in the Team Members picklist before searching.
  4. Click Save. An email alert is sent to the selected team members, notifying them that they have been assigned to a task.

To search team members, enter one character to search the assigned list. To view and assign non-team members to a task, type two or more characters of their name or role into the Team Members search box.

If you select a team member from the Select New Team Member section, they are automatically added to the playbook team when the task is saved.

You can only use the button to add a new task row when using the List view.

Editing a Task

To edit a task, do one of the following:

To change the status of a task, drag-and drop it to the column of that status you want to change it to.

Flagging a Task

You can flag a task to indicate to all users that a task requires attention. If a task is flagged, a is displayed on the task card on the board.

To flag a task, do one of the following:

To remove a flag from a task, do one of the following:


You can add or remove flags from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are flagged and some that aren't, clicking flags them all.

The button is disabled if you do not have permission to flag a task. Contact your administrator.

Pinning a Task

You can pin a task as a personal reminder that it requires further attention. If a task is pinned, a is displayed on the task card. Pinned tasks automatically sort to the top of the column.

To pin a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to pin.
  2. Click .

To remove a pin from a task:

  1. Select the task that you want to remove the pin from.
  2. Click .

You can add or remove pins from multiple tasks at once by selecting all the tasks and clicking . If you select some tasks that are pinned and some that aren't, clicking pins them all.

Pinning is not available when using CS Cloud components in PSA.

Pinned tasks are retained using local storage and will display each time you access the components on the same computer, using the same browser.

Deleting a Task

To delete a task:

  1. Select the tasks you want to delete.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Delete.

The button is disabled if you do not have permissions to delete a playbook task. Contact your administrator.

To filter the tasks displayed, start typing the value you want to filter by in the "Filter tasks" box above the kanban.