Setting up Electronic Invoicing with Storecove

This Help topic explains how to enable the Electronic Invoicing with Storecove feature in Feature Console, and how to complete all additional setup for electronic invoicing.

For an introduction to FinancialForce's electronic invoicing, including which documents can be sent as electronic invoices, see Electronic Invoicing Overview.

Note: These steps are performed by the org's Administrator.

Feature Step 1: Subscribe to Storecove, set up the Storecove URL as a trusted remote site, and complete the Storecove Integration Settings

You must subscribe to Storecove if you want to use electronic invoicing from FinancialForce applications. Storecove will send you authentication credentials and URL connection details. When you receive this information you must register the URL as a trusted remote site and complete the Storecove Integration Settings.

Registering the Storecove URL as a Trusted Remote Site

To register Storecove's connection URL as a trusted remote site:

  1. From Setup click Security | Remote Site Settings.
  2. Click New Remote Site.
  3. In the Remote Site Name field, enter a name such as Storecove.
  4. In the Remote Site URL field, enter the URL. Typically this is but enter the URL specified by Storecove.
  5. Select the Active checkbox, then click Save.

Completing the Storecove Integration Settings

When you have set up the trusted remote site, you must complete the Storecove Integration Settings. These settings are configured using the FDN Storecove Connection Settings Lightning Web Component which you must add to a Lightning page that is available to a small number of users such as administrators. You can add the component to an existing page or to a new page as explained below:

For more information about using the Lightning App Builder to create and edit pages, see the Salesforce Help.

To complete the Storecove Integration Settings:

  1. Make sure the FDN Common Concepts Admin - e-Invoicing permission set is assigned to you otherwise you will not be able to edit the settings.
  2. Navigate to the Lightning page that contains the FDN Storecove Connection Settings component. If an error message reports that you do not have access to the Apex class named einv_ConfigurationPageController it is because the FDN Common Concepts Admin - e-Invoicing permission set is not assigned to you.
  3. Select the Enable Sending checkbox.
  4. In the Connection URL field, enter the URL you have created as a remote site setting.
  5. In the API Key field, enter the access key or password that you obtained from Storecove.
  6. Click Save. The connection details are tested and saved if successful.

If the test fails you can deselect the Enable Sending checkbox and click Save to save the current details whilst you resolve the issues. You might also want to deselect Enable Sending if you are not ready for users to start sending electronic invoices via Storecove. However you must have a successful connection and select the Enable Sending checkbox for electronic invoicing to work.

For more information about completing these settings, see Electronic Invoicing Settings.

When you have completed all aspects of feature step 1, click Mark As Done to indicate that it is complete.

Feature Steps 2, 3, and 4

Feature steps 2, 3, and 4 perform the following actions:

Click Perform for each feature step in turn (feature step 2 is required for upgrades only). When a step has completed its Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".

When you have completed feature steps 1-4, use the Status slider in the Feature section to mark the feature as enabled.

Now complete the Next Steps below.

Next Steps

Additional Setup Within Accounting to Send and Receive Electronic Invoices

You must complete these tasks before users can send Accounting sales invoices and sales credit note as electronic invoices and receive electronic invoices and create payable invoices and payable credit notes:

Note: If your users work with sales invoices, sales credit notes, payable invoices, and payable credit notes using custom input forms, add the fields to your custom input forms (using Input Form Manager) and add the Send E-Invoice button to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section on the sales invoice and sales credit note page layouts assigned to your users.

For more information about:

Complete the Account Extension E-Invoicing Fields

You must complete the E-Invoicing fields on account extension records:

  1. Navigate to the Account Extension tab.
  2. Create an account extension record for each account that you want to send electronic invoices to.
  3. Complete the fields in the Electronic Invoicing section on each account extension record:
    • E-Invoicing Address Scheme - the scheme ID in the format required by Storecove.
    • E-Invoicing Address Identifier - the reference that uniquely identifies the account within the specified scheme.

    The Do Not Automatically Send E-Invoices checkbox is for future use. Setting it has no effect.

  4. Assign the appropriate FDN Account Extension permission set to your users. Users intending to send documents as electronic invoices will need the FDN Account Extension - Read permission set.

Activate the Electronic Invoicing Polling Job

You must activate the scheduled job that polls Storecove at regular intervals. To do this:

  1. Make sure the FDN Core - Administrator permission set is assigned to you.
  2. Go to Foundations Setup | Scheduled Jobs.
  3. Find the Electronic Invoicing Polling Job for Storecove in the list of scheduled jobs and click its Scheduled checkbox.
  4. Click Save on the Scheduled Jobs tab.

You will be notified by email if any errors occur when the job runs. Check the logs on the Scheduled Job Run record for more information.

Double-Check the Storecove Integration Settings are Enabled and Valid

Finally, navigate to the Lightning page where you completed the Storecove Integration Settings. Make sure the Enable Sending checkbox is selected, and click Test Connection to verify that the connection details are valid. Save the settings.

For more information about these settings, see Electronic Invoicing Settings.

Feature Step 5

This step allows you to archive sent and received electronic invoices and create libraries in Salesforce Files to store sent and received electronic invoices. For more information, see the Setup information link in the Feature description and Archiving Electronic Invoices in the Accounting Help.

When you have completed feature step 5, click Mark as Done to indicate that it is complete. If you do not want to proceed with this step, click Skip.

Feature Step 6

This step sets up a scheduled job on the Foundations Setup | Scheduled Jobs tab to automatically send documents as electronic invoices and notify status updates for received electronic invoices. Using this feature step, you can configure either auto-send or auto-receive or both auto-send and receive electronic invoices.

Click Perform to configure the feature or click Skip to skip this step. When this step is completed, its status changes to "Done".