Sequencing Fields

This topic describes the fields and buttons that are available when building a sequence format from the Sequences subtab of the Foundations Setup page.

When you create a sequence format from the Sequences subtab, Foundations stores the data in several custom metadata records:


We recommend that you use the features on the Sequences subtab to create and edit sequences, rather than editing custom metadata records directly.

Full details about custom metadata fields is available in the Sequencing Custom Metadata Types section.

Sequences Subtab Fields

Here is a description of the fields that are displayed when building a sequence format on the Sequences subtab.

Key: * – Mandatory field; Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.




Label * Name of the sequence format.
Unique Name * Unique name of the sequence format.

Foundations automatically generates the unique name when you enter a label and click out of the Label field.

You can change the unique name, but the following conditions apply:

  • It must begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores
  • The name cannot contain two consecutive underscores or end with an underscore
  • If the label begins with a number, the unique name Foundations prefixes the unique name with an X. If required, you can change the prefix to another letter.
Text   Static text to separate the parts of the number sequence. By default, the value for the text part is a hyphen (-).
Number Length  

The number of digits in the sequence. By default, the number length is 5.


When you generate sequence numbers, the length of the number sequence part automatically increases, as required. For example, you specify that a number sequence part has a length of four. The number length remains at four until the sequence number reaches 9999. The next number Foundations generates is 10000.

Starting Number   The starting number of the number sequence part. By default, the starting number is 0.
Object * The object that contains the target field.
Target Field * The text field that stores the generated sequence number.
Filter Field   The checkbox field that determines whether or not to generate a sequence for particular records.

If you specify a filter field, Foundations only generates sequence numbers when the value for the specified checkbox is selected on the record.
For example, if you have specified Sales Invoice as the object, you can specify Approved as a filter to ensure Foundations only generates sequence numbers for approved sales invoices.
Enabled   Indicates that the sequence format is enabled. Foundations only generates sequence numbers when the sequence format is enabled.
Select the placeholder fields   The field that provides the source data that replaces the field placeholder part in the generated sequence number.

Sequences Subtab Buttons

The following buttons are available on the Sequences subtab of the Foundations Setup page.

Button Name   Description
New   Creates a new sequence format.
  Deletes a sequence format.

The following buttons are available when creating or editing a sequence format from the Sequences subtab.

Button Name Description
Add Part   Opens the sequence format menu. From this menu, you can add a field placeholder, text, or number sequence part.
  Displays the part menu, which enables you to move or remove parts.
Reset Sequence Number   Resets the generated sequence number when the field related to the field placeholder part contains a unique value.
Hide   Hides the field placeholder part that resets the sequence number.
Move Left   Moves the selected part one position to the left.
Move Right   Moves the selected part one position to the right.
Remove   Removes the part from the sequence format.
Add   Adds a new sequence field to the sequence.
Save   Saves any changes made to a sequence format.
Cancel   Closes the Sequence Edit popup and discards any unsaved changes.

Sequencing Custom Metadata Types

This section provides information about the fields on the custom metadata types that make up a sequence format. Where a field directly correlates to one or more labels on the Sequences subtab of the Foundations Setup page, this is listed.