Converting ClickLink Rules to Messaging Relationships

You can easily convert ClickLink rules to Foundations messaging relationships. You can export ClickLink rules and import them into Foundations to automatically create Foundations messaging relationships in the correct format.

When importing a ClickLink rule, Foundations will automatically create the following:

When your relationship has been created, you can apply other Foundations messaging features to the relationship or its mappings, such as additional filtering, data transformation, return data, and automatic activation.

The following mapping types are supported when importing data from ClickLink:

Correlation strategy is also included when importing ClickLink rules.


Export the ClickLink rules you want to convert to Foundations relationships. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Rules in the ClickLink Help.

To prevent duplicate target records being created, we recommend that you deactivate any custom actions that trigger the ClickLink rules you have exported, such as Salesforce flows or processes.

Importing ClickLink Rules into Foundations

To create messaging relationships from your exported rule data:

  1. Import the file containing ClickLink rules into Foundations from the Message Types tab. For more information, see Importing Publications and Subscriptions.
  2. Navigate to a relationship to check or update the relationship or mapping details.

    If you need to make a significant change to a mapping, we recommend that you delete and recreate the mapping to ensure the mapping key is appropriate for the mapping.

  3. Specify an activation method to ensure messages are sent.

    For more information, see Activating a Messaging Relationship

    If your org contains duplicate activation methods, for example, for the previous ClickLink rule and the new Foundations relationship, your org will continue to run the previous activations and generate duplicate target records.