Enabling and Disabling Publications and Subscriptions

When you have configured a messaging relationship and an activation method, the publication and subscription that make up the relationship must both be enabled in order to send and receive messages.

You can enable and disable publications and subscriptions from:

Messaging Relationship

To enable or disable publications or subscriptions from the messaging relationship:

On the Message Types tab, click the name of the message type that contains the messaging relationship.

  1. In the Relationship & Mapping Details section, click Manage Relationship.
  2. Select the Enabled checkboxes to enable the publication and subscriptions or clear the checkboxes to disable them.
  3. Click Save.

When creating a new publication or subscription from the messaging relationship, the publication and subscription are automatically enabled.

Foundations Setup Tab

To enable or disable a publication or subscription from the Foundations Setup tab:

  1. Click the Foundations Setup tab.
  2. Click the Publications & Subscriptions subtab.
  3. In the column of the registered application that you want to set up, click the cell for the message type that you want to set up publications and subscriptions for.

    If the cell contains Not Enabled, Publishing, Publishing + Subscribing, or Subscribing, you can configure that message type. If the cell does not contain a value, you cannot enable publications or subscriptions for that combination of message type and registered application. See Publication and Subscription Fields for more information.

  4. In the upper-right panel:
    • Select the Publish checkbox to enable publications or clear the checkbox to disable publications.
    • Select the Subscribe checkbox to enable subscriptions or clear the checkbox to disable subscriptions.

    If a Publish or Subscribe checkbox is not shown for a message type, you cannot enable publications or subscriptions for that message type.

  5. Click Save and Yes to confirm you want to save the change.

Publication or Subscription Record

To enable or disable publications or subscriptions from a publication or subscription record:

  1. Navigate to the publication or subscription record.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the Enabled checkboxes to enable the publication and subscriptions or clear the checkboxes to disable them.
  4. Click Save.