Navigation Configuration Builders Overview

Using the navigation builders, you create configurations for the FF Navigation component, which you can add to any Lightning app page, home page, record page, or a utility bar. You can create a hierarchy in the configuration using sections, groups, and navigation items.

There are two apps available from the App Launcher that enable you to create navigation configurations for the FF Navigation component:

Note: You must have the FF Configuration Builders permission set assigned to you to use these navigation builders.

The FinancialForce Configurations list in each navigation builder contains standard FinancialForce configurations. For example, the configuration for the Accounts Payable workspace is Accounts Payable Workspace.

You can also create your own configuration or clone a FinancialForce configuration. The new configuration is added to the My Configurations list in the navigation builder.



Sections are the highest level element in a navigation hierarchy, and can contain groups and navigation items. You can reorder sections by dragging them to other parts of the configuration.

To hide sections in the navigation pane, select the Hide Navigation Sections checkbox in the FF Navigation component's properties pane.

Note: If you are using the Global Navigation Configuration Builder, you cannot edit or delete the Global Navigation Items section, and you cannot create sections.


Groups contain one or more navigation items and let you logically group navigation to improve the user experience. You can apply grouping up to five levels with the first being the parent group.

You can reorder groups by dragging them to other parts of the configuration. Ensure that you select the whole group that you are moving. When moving a group all of its sub-groups or sections or items are also moved.

The blue line in the background indicates that the group can be dropped at the current position. A thicker blue line indicates if you are dragging the selection before or after the valid location.

Note: You can only have five levels within a group. You cannot drag groups to the section groups or nested groups if the maximum permitted nesting level is reached.

Navigation Items

You can add a navigation item to a section or group. Navigation items are links open apps, dashboards, objects, reports, tabs, or specific URLs. This provides a high level of flexibility, allowing items outside a Salesforce org to be available.

Keyboard Controls

You can use keyboard controls within a create or edit window. The controls are limited to the fields and buttons within the window until you press Esc, Cancel, Save, or close the window. For more information, see Keyboard Controls.