Configuring Drilling in Tables

The Drilling Menu Drill menu. configures the drilling relationships to obtain a deeper view of your data.

The following types of drill are available in Financial Report Builder:

Applying Drilling

When you configure drilling in Financial Report Builder you create a hierarchy of drill levels between different tables. Configuration entails mapping fields from one table to another.

Filters added to your source lenses in Analytics Studio determine the data displayed in your drill tables. We recommend you review any filters you have applied to your source lenses if your data does not display as expected in your report.

To apply drilling in your report or statement:

  1. Click Drill menu. to open the Drill Menu.
  2. Click Add Drill Mapping.
  3. Select the dataset for your drill.
  4. The Drill Configuration tab now displays. You can view an explanatory video by clicking Video tooltip icon. . You must complete field mapping between the following table datasets:
  1. Navigate to the Lens Configuration tab.
  2. Select the lens in Analytics Studio that contains the data you want to drill to from your source table. Section, Alias, and Lens fields are automatically populated if you have selected a preconfigured report such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement, or Trial Balance. For example, Trial Balance uses the DrillLens from Analytics Studio that contains transaction data from the Financial Transactions dataset.
  3. [Optional] Click Add Drill Column to add further drilling to your financial report or statement, by repeating steps 2-3. If you have added filters to your source data table, such as Company or Dimension, you must also create mappings for these fields between your source and target tables. By default, your first filter is automatically mapped, but you must manually create mappings between any additional filter components.

After your drilling is applied you can identify a drillable cell in a Financial Report Builder table if your cursor changes from an arrow to a hand when you hover over it and the data in the cell is underlined. Data is underlined in red or black, depending on the color you have selected to differentiate between positive and negative numbers in your report. A breadcrumb is displayed on top of the table to help you navigate between drill levels and back to the source table.

Removing Drilling

  • Return to your report and click Drill menu. | Remove Drill to remove your drill.
  • Tip:

    If the data shown in your different drill levels does not display as expected, this might be due to filters applied to your selected lenses in Analytics Studio. For more information, see Drilling on Lenses with Filters Applied.