Configuring Formatting in Tables
The Formatting Configuration controls the formatting of your report or statement.
Formatting Configuration
You can format the presentation of your report after you have created it by clicking . The following options are available in the formatting configuration modal.
- Column Density. Available options are: Compact, which has less space between table elements, and Comfy, which has more space between table elements.
- Table Height. Available options are: Small, Medium, and Fit Content.
- Show Grid. Adds borders to rows in your report. Available options are None [default], All, Total and Subtotal Rows.
- Ignore Warnings. Available options are: Yes or No. This selection allows you to ignore any warning messages presented on the display table. The ignored messages are not shown in the table view and this selection persists after you close a report and reopen it.
- Decimal Precision. Available options are: No decimal places, One decimal place, and Two decimal places.
- Number Scaling. Available options are: No Scaling, Thousands (102K), Thousands (102), Millions (1.2M), Millions (1.2).
- Reverse Sign. Displays all negative numbers as positive numbers in your report, and vice versa. To reverse the signs on an individual lens, use the Reverse Sign option available in the Lens Configuration tab.
- Negative Number Color. You can choose to display negative values in black or red, and whether to prefix these values with a minus, or enclose them in parentheses.
- Negative Number Format. Available options are: Minus or Brackets. Depending on the selected value negative numbers are displayed either preceded by a "-" sign or in between brackets.
- Empty Values Format. Available options are: Zero, Blank, or Dash. Selects the format in which empty values are displayed by the table.
- Divide by Zero Format. Available options are: Error Message, Zero, Blank, or Dash. Selects the format in which divisions by zero are displayed by the table. When selecting "Error Message" the default "#DIV/0!" error is displayed.