Mobile Project Management Workspace

The Project Management workspace for mobile contains the following components:


Alerts provide you with information to highlight important details about your projects. To display a list of detailed records specific to each alert, click View Details.

The following alerts are available from the Project Management workspace.

Name Description View Details
Actual vs Planned Hours The count of your projects where actual hours are 80% or greater than their planned hours, and the aggregated value of planned hours and actual hours across the counted projects. Displays a list view of your projects with high actual hours.
Actual vs Budget The count of your projects where billing is 85% or greater than the project budget, and the aggregated value of actual and budget including expenses across the counted projects. Displays a list view of your projects that are close to their budget.
Late Projects The aggregated value of your projects at risk of running late, and the count of projects with late milestones impacting billing events, and the count of missed milestones across the counted projects. Displays a list view of late milestones associated with your projects.

Your administrator can customize the Actual vs Planned Hours, Actual vs Budget alert card using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up FinancialForce Alert Cards in the Foundations Help.


Counts summarize the number of records found on corresponding list views that are relevant for the Project Management workspace. Counts enable you to quickly access related content. To display a list view of detailed records specific to each count, click the count.

The following counts are available from the Project Management workspace.

Count Description List View
Estimates vs Actuals with High Variance The count of assignments with actual hours that varied higher or lower than 50% in the previous week.
Note: The Due Date used to summarize estimates vs actuals is set to Sunday.
Displays estimates vs actuals.
Due Resource Requests The count of open resource requests. These are resource requests where the Assignment lookup on the resource request is blank or null and the start date is 30 days or less from today’s date and their status is one of the following:
  • "Ready to Staff"
  • "Hold"
  • "Tentative"
Displays open resource requests on your projects that are close to the start date.
Projects with Red Status The count of projects with the status of “Red”. Displays the statuses of your projects.

Your administrator can customize the Estimates vs Actuals with High Variance, Due Resource Requests, Projects with Red Status count cards using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up FinancialForce Count Cards in the Foundations Help.

Expense Entry Component

The PSA Expense Entry component enables you to submit expenses against assignments and milestones associated with projects.

For more information, see Using the Expense Entry Lightning Component.

List View

The Project List View displays a list of projects where you are assigned as the project manager.

My Weekly Summary Component

The My Weekly Summary component provides a weekly view of status for all your associated projects, assignments, and project task assignments.

For more information, see My Weekly Summary

Time Entry Component

The Time Entry component displays a list of your timecards and enables you to create new ones.

For more information, see Using the Time Entry Lightning Component.