Custom Opportunity Fields

These sections describe the PSA fields, Visualforce pages, and buttons that you can add to the standard Salesforce Opportunity page layouts.


Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Field   Description
Amount * The amount of the opportunity.
Billing Forecast Curve   A lookup to the related Billing Forecast Curve field. Used when a billing forecast curve is applied to an opportunity. For more information, see Billing Forecasting Overview and Managing Curves for Billing Forecasts.
Close Date * The closing date of the opportunity.
Is Change Request   Indicates whether this opportunity is a change requestClosed A type of opportunity that you can create from an existing project..
Is Parent Opportunity Services   Indicates whether the related parent opportunity is a services opportunity.
Is Services Opportunity   Indicates whether this opportunity is a services opportunity.
Opportunity Name * Name of the opportunity.
Opportunity Owner * Lookup for the contact who owns the opportunity.
Parent Opportunity   Lookup to an optional parent opportunity.
Pre-Billed Amount   Currency value of any services already billed for this opportunity.
Rate Card Percentage Discount   Sets the discount in percent applicable on a rate card's suggested bill rate when creating or updating a resource request or assignment on a project.
Rate Card Discount Limit   Sets the rate card's minimum suggested bill rate to which the discount will be applied.
Rate Card Set   Specifies the rate card set, composed of multiple separate rate cards, which determines which rate cards are applied to the opportunity.
Region/Practice/Group   Lookup to the related regionClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./practiceClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects./groupClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects..
Services Attached % From Products   Percentage rate of services attached from products. See notes.
Services Attached From Products   Currency value of any services attached from products.
Stage * Specifies the current stage of the opportunity.
The attached rate of a product represents how many complementary products are sold for each primary product. For example, the average number of DVD discs (complementary product) purchased for each DVD player (primary product) sold, or the number of console-specific video games purchased for each console sold.
In the services industry, the attach rate (or the Professional Services Capture Rate) represents the ratio between the revenue from products to revenue from services for that product.

Visualforce Pages

Opportunity Cost and Revenue Summary

The following notes apply to the Opportunity Cost and Revenue Summary:

Resource Requests

The Resource Requests table shows the cost and revenue details of the resource requests for the opportunity.

All fields are read-only.

Field Description
Bill Rate

Taken from the combined value of the Suggested Bill Rate Number and Suggested Bill Rate Currency Code fields on a resource request.

If the Suggested Bill Rate Number field on a resource request is blank or zero, the value in the Requested Bill Rate Number field is used. If the Requested Bill Rate Number field on a resource request is blank, a hyphen is displayed.

The bill rate value in the Totals row shows the average bill rate (Total Estimated Revenue divided by Total Hours). This figure is rounded to two decimal places.

Cost Rate Taken from the Average Cost Rate field on a resource request.

If the resource request is a held resource request, the cost rate is taken from the Default Cost Rate field on the resource.

If Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate is deselected on a resource, the Default Cost Rate is used. If, however, Default Cost Rate is Daily Rate is selected on a resource, the cost rate is calculated as follows:
  • The Default Cost Rate is divided by the average of non-zero or non-blank hours recorded in the Mon to Sun fields on the resource’s work calendar.
  • If all Mon to Sun fields on the associated work calendar are zero or blank, the Default Cost Rate is divided by the Standard Hours Per Day value on the resource’s work calendar.
  • If the Standard Hours Per Day value is zero or blank, or the resource does not have a work calendar, the Default Cost Rate is divided by eight.

The cost rate value in the Totals row shows the average cost rate (Total Estimated Cost divided by Total Hours). This figure is rounded to two decimal places.

Estimated Cost Total Hours multiplied by Cost Rate for each role.
Estimated Revenue Total Hours multiplied by Bill Rate for each role.
Resource Role Lists the roles that appear on all relevant resource requests.
If there are multiple resource requests for a single role, the values for Total Hours Per Role, Estimated Cost, and Estimated Revenue are totaled and displayed on one line. The following values need to be the same in each resource request for the role:
  • Cost Rate
  • Bill Rate
  • Currency
Total Hours Per Role

The combined hours of resources for specific roles, taken from the Requested Hours field on the resource requests.

Services Products

The Services Products table shows the cost and revenue details of the opportunity product line items that have been identified as services. The Date field is always shown, but only populated if a date has been entered on the line item.

The figures in the Total Price column are shown in the opportunity currency.

All fields are read only.

Totals Summary

This section shows the totals for the opportunity, calculated from the resource request and services products figures.

Field Description
Total Estimated Costs The sum of the values in the Estimated Cost column.
Total Estimated Margin Total Estimated Revenue minus the Total Estimated Costs.
Total Estimated Margin % Total Estimated Margin divided by the Total Estimated Revenue, displayed as a percentage.
Total Estimated Revenue

The total estimated revenue from resource requests and services products.

Total Estimated Hours Total number of hours recorded on the relevant resource requests, taken from the Requested Hours field.


Button or Action Description
Apply Rate Card Discount Enables you to apply a rate card discount to opportunity resource requests that have not been assigned or held.
New Resource Request

Enables you to create a new resource request for this opportunity.

Run Revenue Forecast Enables you to run a revenue forecast for this opportunity.
Update Resource Requests Enables you to update and delete multiple resource requests simultaneously for this opportunity.