Expressing Interest in Upcoming Work Opportunities

A resource manager can mark selected resource requests as being suitable for self-nomination by prospective candidates. This means that when you check the Work Opportunities Coming Soon list, you might see that there is an upcoming work opportunity that you would like to be assigned to. You can then click a button to let the resource manager know that you are interested.


To use this feature, an administrator must grant you the following permissions:

To express interest in upcoming work opportunities:

  1. Navigate to the page that displays the Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component, which has the heading Work Opportunities Coming Soon. Your administrator can add the component to a Lightning app page, home page, workspace, or to your Salesforce My Profile page, which is displayed when you click your photo.
  2. From the Available tab, view the list of upcoming resource requests you can choose from. A maximum of 10 resource requests are displayed. The resource request that was modified most recently is displayed at the top of the list by default. Provided you have the required permissions, you can click the links to view the relevant records, for example, the related resource request, account, or project.
  3. [Optional] Filter the list of resource requests using the options available from Filter By. The options that are visible depend on the filter configuration set up by your administrator. For more information, see Configuring Resource Request Filters. The full list of options is:
  4. [Optional] Sort the resource requests by the following:
  5. Take note of the date in the Self-Nomination Deadline field on each resource request, as you must express interest before that date.
  6. View the details in the Information for Prospective Candidates field to help you decide whether the work is of interest to you.
  7. Click one of the following:
  8. [Optional] From the Interested tab, view the list of resource requests you have expressed interest in.
  9. [Optional] Click Remove Interest if you are no longer interested in a resource request. The resource request moves back to the Available tab. If one of the following applies, the resource request is no longer displayed so you can't withdraw interest: