Estimating Hours at Summary Tasks Level

Estimated Hours

You can add estimated hours for child tasks and parent tasks. The default behavior for this functionality is that hours added to child tasks are rolled up to the parent task and the project. However, you can override this and add estimated hours directly to the parent tasks.

To override the rolled up estimated hours and directly add the estimated hours to the parent tasks, you can add the Override Estimated Hours field in both read-only and editable mode by using the Gantt Editable Custom Columns and Gantt Read Only Custom Columns field set on the Project Task object.

You must contact your administrator if you need to add the Override Estimated Hours field to the task grids in Project Task Gantt.

Note: If the Override Estimated Hours field value is zero for the parent or summary task, the default behavior is followed where the estimated hours are rolled up from child tasks to the parent tasks.

You cannot use the Override Estimated Hours field to override the estimated hours for child tasks.

The initial rolled-up value for a parent task is lost when using the Override Estimated Hours field. To preserve this value for reporting purposes, add the Estimated Hours Rollup field in the Gantt Read Only Custom Columns field set on the Project Task object.

You must contact your administrator to add the Estimated Hours Rollup field to the task grids in Project Task Gantt.

Note: The Estimated Time To Complete field behavior is changed when you override Estimated Hours or add Time Entry on summary task. The estimated time to complete for summary tasks is calculated by subtracting actual hours from estimated hours if there is a value specified in either Override Estimated Hours or Timecard Hours field. If there is null or zero in both fields the default behavior is followed and the child task values for the Estimated Time To Complete field are rolled up for the summary tasks.

Points and Points Complete

The default behavior for this functionality is that Points and Points Complete added to child tasks are rolled up to the summary task and the project. However, you can override this and add Points and Points Complete directly to the summary tasks.

To override the rolled-up Points and Points Complete and directly add the Points and Points Complete to the parent tasks, add the following fields in both read-only and editable mode to the respective field sets on the Project Task object.

You must contact your administrator, to add the Override Points and Override Points Complete field to the task grids in Project Task Gantt.

Notes: If the Override Points and Override Points Complete field value is zero for the parent or summary task, the default behavior is followed where the Points and Points Complete are rolled up from child tasks to the parent tasks.

You cannot use the Override Points and Override Points Complete field to override the Points and Points Complete for child tasks.

The initial rolled-up value for a parent task is lost when using the Override Points and Override Points Complete field. To preserve this value for reporting purposes, you can add the following fields in the Gantt Read Only Custom Columns field set on the Project Task object.

You must contact your administrator to add the Points Rollup and Points Complete Rollup fields to the task grids in Project Task Gantt.