Change Request Fields
Here is a description of the fields on a change request.
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.
Field | Description | |
Auto Submit Change Request | Indicates whether the change request can be automatically submitted for approval. | |
Cancel Service Contract Date | Date on which the service contract was requested to be canceled. | |
Change Request Approval Date | Date on which the change request was approved. | |
Change Request Cancel Date | Date on which the change request was cancelled. | |
Change Request Name | Id of the change request. | |
Change Request Up to Date | Indicates whether the change request has the latest values from the service contract. If the change request is not up to date, you can update it using the Refresh from Service Contract button. | |
Change Request Refresh Status | Status message that indicates when the change request needs refreshing with the values from the service contract. The value of this field is determined by the Change Request up to Date checkbox. The possible values for this field are:
Currency | Currency of the change request. | |
Current Contract Term | Contract term before any changes are made. This value is set when a change request is created. | |
Current Contract Value | Current contract value before any changes are made. This value is set when a change request is created. This value is represented on the graph shown on the Service Contract Detail page. | |
Current Prorated Amount | The current prorated amount deducted from the base fee for a Flex Contract![]() ![]() |
Current Prorated RC Cost | Cost of the prorated recurring term on a Flex Contract![]() ![]() |
Customer Account Sold To | Salesforce account of the customer to which the service contract relates. | |
Customer Purchase Order | Customer purchase order for the change request. | |
Customer Quotation | Customer quotation to which the change request relates. | |
Customer Quotation Status | Status of the related customer quotation if there is one. | |
Effect on Contract | The amount by which the Total Contract Value will change if you apply this change request to the contract. | |
Incorporated Date | Date on which the change request was incorporated into the service contract. | |
Last Invoice Generation | Last date on which the billing engine ran and created an invoice for the contract line. | |
Deprecated New Contract Term | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated New Contract Value | This field is no longer used. | |
Next Invoice Generation | Next date on which the billing engine is to run and create an invoice for the contract. | |
New Override Bill to Account | New account to be billed when the Customer Account is not to be billed for this service contract. | |
New Override Bill to Account Address | New Customer Address associated with the New Override Bill to Account to be used as the billing address instead of the default. The lookup filters based on the New Override Bill To Account. | |
New Override Bill to Address | New alternative bill to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates. By default, the Bill To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. The lookup filters based on the Customer Account Sold To. | |
New Override Bill To Address | New billing address to use for the change request if it is not the address on the customer account. | |
New Override Ship to Address | New alternative ship to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates. By default, the Ship To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. The lookup filters based on the Customer Account Sold To. | |
Deprecated New Service Term | This field is no longer used. | |
New Prorated Amount | The new prorated amount deducted from the base fee for a Flex Contract![]() ![]() |
New Prorated RC Cost | New cost of the prorated recurring term on a Flex Contract![]() ![]() |
New Remaining Terms to be Billed | New remaining terms to be billed after changes such as changes to the end date, moving the first bill date or changing service terms. | |
Number Change Request lines | Number of change request lines on the change request. | |
Override Bill to Account | Account to be billed when the Customer Account is not to be billed for this service contract. | |
Override Bill to Account Address | Customer Address associated with the Override Bill to Account to be used as the billing address instead of the default. | |
Override Bill To Address | Billing address to use for the change request if it is not the address on the customer account. | |
Override Bill to Address | By default, the Bill To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. Enables you to select an alternative bill to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates. | |
Override Ship to Address | By default, the Ship To address is set from the customer account to which the service contract relates. Enables you to select an alternative ship to address associated with the account to which the service contract relates. | |
Price Type | Lookup relationship to the available price types. The lookup lists all of the available price types by name. | |
Prorated Amount Delta | Difference between the Current Prorated Amount and the New Prorated Amount. | |
Prorated RC Cost Delta | Difference between Current Prorated RC Cost and New Prorated RC Cost | |
Remaining Terms to be Billed | Terms that are yet to be billed. This is used to calculate the remaining contract value. | |
Service Contract | Service contract to which the change request relates. | |
Status | Status of the change request. Depending on your organization, a change request can be in one of the following states:
Effective Date | Date on which the changes are to take effect. | |
Total Contract Value After Change | Total Contract Value after this change request is incorporated into the service contract. | |
Total Prorated Amount Billed To Date | Total prorated amount billed on current Change Request. |
Service Contract Details
Here is a description of the service contract fields on a change request.
Field | Description | |
Bill To Address | Billing address to use for the service contract. | |
Bill To Address | Billing address to use for the service contract after the change request is applied to the service contract. | |
Price Type | Price Type applied to the service contract. The price type on the customer account is applied if one is set. During pricing this restricts prices that are available to a customer depending on their type and the prices available for the product or service being sold. | |
New Price Type | The new price type to be applied to the service contract. | |
Remaining Contract Term | Remaining contract terms when the change request was created. | |
Deprecated New Contract Term | This field is no longer used. | |
Remaining Contract Value | The remaining service contract value when the change request was created. | |
Deprecated New Contract Value | This field is no longer used. | |
Service Term | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated New Service Term | ||
Remain Service Term Number | Number of remaining service terms. | |
New Number Service Lines | Number of lines on the service contract after the changes. This includes the options on a change request line. | |
Service Contract Start Date | Date on which the service contract is to start. | |
Service Contract First Bill Date | First billing date of the contract. | |
Service Contract End Date | Date on which the service contract ends. | |
New Service Contract Start Date | Service contract start date after the change. | |
New Service Contract First Bill Date | First billing date of the contract after the change. | |
New Service Contract End Date | End date of the contract after the change. |
Non Recurring Service Contract Detail Changes
Here is a description of the non recurring fields on a change request.
Field | Description | |
Current NRC Materials | R | Total non recurring material cost. |
Delta NRC Materials | R | New total non recurring material cost. |
Current NRC Time | R | Total non recurring cost on time after changes. |
Delta NRC Time | R | New total non recurring cost on time after changes. |
Current NRC Options | R | Total non recurring option cost. |
Delta NRC Options | R | New total non recurring option cost. |
Current NRC Ext.![]() |
R | Total non recurring extended cost. |
Delta NRC Ext. | R | New total non recurring extended cost after changes. |
Current NRC Discounted | R | Total non recurring discount price. |
Delta NRC Discounted | R | New total non recurring discount price after changes. |
Current NRC Ext. After Discounts | R | Total non recurring cost after discount. |
Delta NRC Ext. After Discounts | R | New total non recurring price after discount and changes. |
Current NRC Invoice | R | Current total non recurring cost invoiced. |
Current NRC Not Invoiced | R | Current total non recurring cost yet to be invoiced. |
New Total NRC Contract Value | R | Total non recurring contract value on the service contract after changes. |
Recurring Service Contract Detail Changes
Here is a description of the recurring fields on a change request.
Field | Description | |
Current RC![]() |
R | Recurring fees without options rolled-up from the service contract lines. |
Delta RC Base | R | Recurring fees without options rolled-up from the change request llines. |
Current RC Options | R | Current recurring fees for options. |
Delta RC Options | R | New recurring fees for options after changes. |
Current RC Ext. | R | Current extended recurring fees. |
Delta RC Ext. | R | New extended recurring fees after changes. |
Current RC Discounted | R | Current amount of discount to be applied to recurring fees before changes. |
Delta RC Discounted |
R | Amount of discount to be applied to recurring fees after changes. |
Current RC Ext. After Discounts | R | Current extended recurring fees after discounts. |
Delta RC Ext. After Discounts | R | New extended recurring fees after discounts after changes. |
New Total RC Contract Value | R | Total recurring contract value of the service contact after changes. |
Service Contract Cost Details
Here is a description of the cost fields on a change request.
Field | Description | |
Current NRC Cost | R | Current non recurring cost of the service contract |
Delta NRC Cost | R | New recurring cost of the service contract after changes. |
Current RC Cost | R | Current recurring cost of the service contract. |
Delta RC Cost | R | New recurring cost of the service contract after changes. |
Current Contract Cost | R | Current cost of the service contract including recurring and non recurring costs. |
Delta Contract Cost | R | Cost of the service contract including recurring and non recurring costs after changes. |
Change Request Lines
Here is a description of the fields in the change request lines section of a service contract.
Field | Description | |
Change Request Line Name | Id of the change request line. | |
Billed Through | Date up to which the customer has been billed for the contract line. The date is determined by the date of the last invoice after the billing engine runs. | |
Change Method | Action to be applied to the service contract line or option on the service contract line. | |
Delivery Method | Means by which the item is to be delivered from the related service contract line. | |
Deprecated Ext.Term Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total Contract Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total Contract Value | This field is no longer used. | |
Effective Date | The date on which the changes on the change request line are to take effect. This date is used to determine the prorated amount. | |
Item Type | Type of item defined on the item master. | |
Last Invoice Generation | Last date on which the billing engine ran and created an invoice for the contract line. | |
New Delivery Method | New Means by which the item is to be delivered. | |
New Ext. Term Cost | New extended term cost. This is calculated using the formula: Total Contract Cost + Total Delta Contract Line Cost . |
New NRC Base | New non recurring base fees to be applied to the service contract line. | |
New NRC Not Invoiced | New non recurring fees not yet invoiced. | |
New Price Type | Price Type applied to the service contract. The price type on the customer account is applied if one is set. During pricing this restricts prices that are available to a customer depending on their type and the prices available for the product or service being sold. | |
New Quantity | New quantity to be applied to the service contract line | |
New RC Base | New recurring base fees to be applied to the service contract | |
New RC Ext. | New extended recurring fees to be applied to the service contract line. | |
New RC Options | New recurring contract option fees to be applied to the service contract. | |
New RC Terms | New number of days or months to make up the a single contract term. For instance, if the Service Term is Annual, the value of this field is 12. This indicates that a single contract term is 12 months. | |
New Supplier Site | New supplier site from which to source an item. | |
New Total Contract Value | Total Contract Value after the change request line is applied. This is calculated using the formula: Total Contract Value + Total Delta Contract Line Value . |
Deprecated New Total First Term RC CV | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated New Total First RC Term Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated New Total Last Term RC CV | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated New Total Last RC Term Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total First RC Term Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total First Term RC CV | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total Last RC Term Cost | This field is no longer used. | |
Deprecated Total Last Term RC CV | This field is no longer used. | |
Next Invoice Generation | Next date on which the billing engine is to run and create an invoice for the contract line. | |
NRC Cost | Non Recurring Contract cost. | |
Price Type | The price type that the change request line item is assigned to. | |
Prorated Billing Amount | Prorated amount to be added to the invoice as a result of the changes on the contract line. The amount is based on the changes to the contract line and the difference between the Effective Date and the Billed Through date. The prorate is only for recurring fees. | |
Prorated Billing Amount | Prorated amount to be added to the invoice as a result of the changes on the contract line. The amount is based on the changes to the contract line and the difference between the Effective Date and the Billed Through date. The prorate is only for recurring fees. | |
RC Cost | Recurring Contract cost. | |
RC Terms | Number of days or months that make up the a single contract term. For instance, if the Service Term is Annual, the value of this field is 12. This indicates that a single contract term is 12 months. | |
Service Item | Item master![]() |
Supplier Site | Supplier Site from the related service contract line. | |
Total Contract Cost | Total cost of the contract line. | |
Total Contract Value | Total contract value of the line with options and changes incorporated. | |
Total Contract Value After Waived Terms | Total Contract Value minus Waived Term Fees. | |
Total Delta Contract Line Cost | Change to the Total Cost of the contract line when the change request line is applied. | |
Total Delta Contract Line Value | Change to the Total Contract Value of the contract line after the change request line is applied. |
Key: S – Only available if FinancialForce Service Contracts is installed.