Purchase Order Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons added to the Purchase Order object when the SCM Avalara Connector is installed. For more information about the fields and buttons included in SCM, see Purchase Order Fields in the SCM Help.

Fields Added by the Avalara Connector to the Purchase Order Object



Tax Message Warning or error message returned by Avalara AvaTax when calculating tax for the purchase order.
Valid Drop Ship Address Indicates whether the drop ship address of the purchase order has been validated in Avalara AvaTax.

Purchase Order Line Item

Here is a description of the fields added to the Purchase Order Line Item object when the SCM Avalara Connector is installed.

Key: S - Included in the core SCM package.

Fields Added by the Avalara Connector to the Purchase Order Line Item Object
Field   Description
Delivery Method   The delivery method used for the item. If an Avalara Tax Mapping exists that matches the item and product group, the tax code specified for that delivery method is sent to Avalara.
Item Being Procured S Lookup to the item master of the item being procured. This is used to look up the tax code from the tax mapping. If you do not enter a value, the Tax Code field is used to calculate tax for the line.
Override Avalara Tax Code   The tax code that is used to override the original Avalara mapped tax code.
Tax Amount 1-7   Tax amount applied for the tax rate.
Tax Code   If the purchase order line item is not of type Description, this is the tax code that was sent to Avalara to calculate tax based on your Avalara tax mappings. For further information, see Mapping Item Types and Product Groups to Tax Codes and Avalara Tax Mapping Fields. If the purchase order line item is of type Description, this is the Tax code to be sent to Avalara to calculate tax. Description purchase order line items do not have an item master and therefore do not use the Avalara tax mappings to select a tax code.
Tax Description 1-7   Description of the tax rate applied. Up to seven tax rates can be applied to the line.
Tax Rate 1-7   Tax rate to be applied to the line. Up to seven tax rates can be applied to the line. For instance, a tax rate may be charged for the state, county and city.
Use Code S When the item is not liable for use tax, indicates the exemption status of transactions based on the exemption tax rules for the jurisdictions to which this account relates.


Buttons Added by the Avalara Connector to the Purchase Order Object
Button Description
Calculate Tax Calls Avalara AvaTax to calculate tax on this document.
Validate Drop Ship Address Validates the Drop Ship address against the address database in Avalara AvaTax.