Managing Products on an Estimate
You can add estimate products to an estimate and manage the estimate products that have already been added using the Manage Products action on an estimate record.
Adding Products to an Estimate
To add a product to an estimate:
- On an estimate record, click Actions | Services CPQ | Manage Products.
- Select the estimate product that you want to add to the estimate.
- [Optional] Edit the name of the estimate product for this estimate. This is the same name as the estimate product by default.
- [Optional] Edit the start date of the estimate product for this estimate. This is the same start date as the estimate by default.
- Click Add Product.
- Repeat steps 2-5 to add all of the estimate products you want to add to the estimate.
- Click Save. You will receive a notification when the estimate products have been added to the estimate. Refresh the estimate record page to view the estimate products in the Estimate Builder component.
Removing Products From an Estimate
To remove a product from an estimate:
- On an estimate record, click Actions | Services CPQ | Manage Products.
- Next to the product you want to remove, click
, then Delete.
- Click Save. You will receive a notification when all of the related records have been added.